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兩岸三地對全球經濟之重要性不斷提高,帶動了商務華語學習的需求。本文旨在針對「會議」與「簡報」兩大商業情景以及高級商務華語學習者之需求,發展出一套理想的教材編寫模式。本研究回顧專業英語教學 (English for specific Purposes, ESP) 理論、高級華語教學、商務華語教學理論與發展現況以及傳播學、管理學、語言學對商業會議與簡報之探討,從中建立起本文之理論架構,並以之為依據,實地進行需求分析及教材編寫。本研究調查發現,高級商務華語學習者對「商務會議與簡報華語」以及「提升口語能力」有強烈需求,對課程互動與教材內容之「真實性」亦高度期待,但現行高級商務教材未針對特定商務情景之特性進行設計,亦不夠注重高級口語教學的重點工作,與學習者的期待之間存在極大落差,顯示出一部針對高級華語學習者、以商務會議與簡報之語言功能及特色為編寫主幹的「商務口語技能訓練教材」具極重要之發展價值。本文以上述理念為基礎,結合文獻所探討之理論,融合案例教學法 (Case Study Approach) 及整合表現能力評量 (the Integrated Performance Assessment) 之概念與方法設計教材,編寫單課範例,並於課室中實地測試,之後更實施教材評估,以廣泛蒐集學習者、教學者與華語教學專家之意見,作為日後改進的參考。試驗與評估發現,整體而言,學習者與教學者皆對此教材表示肯定,認為教材內容成功突顯出商務交際的特性並塑造出符合需求、貼近真實的場景與任務;語料與練習的內容也具高度實用性;輸入與活動形式的多元化則有助活絡課堂氣氛並且提供課室活動充分的支持。筆者亦於文末根據需求分析的發現提出後續商務華語教材發展建議。
The rapidly increasing importance of Greater China to the world economy has created greater demand for learning business Chinese. The goal of this study is to develop a model for compiling advanced Business Chinese teaching materials, particularly for teaching business meeting and presentation-related language. This study first reviews ESP theory, advanced Chinese pedagogy, and the current developmental situation of Business Chinese and Business Chinese pedagogical theory, as well as business meeting and presentation-related business communications, management science and linguistics literature. This background information was used to develop a theoretical framework that formed the basis for a needs analysis and the compilation of teaching materials. This study reveals that there is very strong demand among learners of advanced Business Chinese for classes on business meeting and presentation Chinese and for improving speaking skills, and that these learners hope for authentic class interaction and material. However, the teaching materials currently available feature few specific business situations and speaking activities for advanced learners. This demonstrates that there is a clear need for new materials featuring business meetings and presentations. In light of this situation and the findings from literature review, this study designs materials for a sample lesson, which introduces the methods and concepts of Case Study Approach and the Integrated Performance Assessment. The author also implemented subsequent trial lessons and material evaluation. The participants (learners, instructors and professionals) all recognize the advantages of this material, in that it meets the needs by successfully highlighting features of communication in business context, creating authentic situations and tasks and providing practical text and exercise; the diversity of input and activities also sufficiently support to organize a dynamic class. The author also makes some suggestions for related future research based on the needs analysis.



商務華語, 口語教學, 教材設計, 商務會議, 商務簡報, Chinese for Business Purposes, speaking skill instruction, teaching material design, business meeting, business presentation





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