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輔導人力不足,乃是目前國內各級學校推展學校輔導工作的最大困難,也因此,開始有了認輔志工的人力資源運用,然而認輔志工從事認輔工作時,與認輔教師ㄧ樣會遭遇到相似困境,因此,如何讓認輔志工在從事學校認輔工作時,具有持續性且降低流動率提升其工作滿意度,成為學校輔導工作者一個當前的課題。增加工作滿意度的因素很多,增加志工的社會支持、及運用心理賦權增能感為內在激勵方法,則是方法之ㄧ。 本研究以臺北縣國小認輔志工為調查對象,共發出360份問卷,回收345份,有效樣本數為335人,旨在探討了解認輔志工社會支持、心理賦權增能感與工作滿意度之關係。本研究利用問卷調查法,運用平均數分析、單因數變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、Spearman等級相關及多元迴歸分析等統計方法來回答本研究待答問題。本研究的主要發現如下: ㄧ、在社會支持度方面, 國小認輔志工社會支持度為中間偏高程度。個人背景變項中,未婚、年資較淺、退休人員之認輔志工,其社會支持感較高。 二、在心理賦權增能感方面,國小認輔志工心理賦權增能感為中間程度。個 人背景變項中,男性、年齡較大、服務年資較深、無育有子女、教育程度較高之認輔志工,其心理賦權增能感較高。而社會支持與心理賦權增能感為顯著正相關。 三、在工作滿意度方面,國小認輔志工工作滿意度為中間偏高的程度。個人背景變項中男性、未婚、年資較淺、受過相關訓練、無育有子女者,其工作滿意度較高。而社會支持、心理賦權增能感與工作滿意度為顯著正相關。 四、階層迴歸分析的結果顯示,社會支持的學校行政支持與工作夥伴支持,及心理賦權增能感的影響力、能力與自我決策五個變項對工作滿意度有顯著影響,共可解釋工作滿意度變異量的61.2%。 本研究得知社會支持及心理賦權確實對認輔志工工作滿意度有正向之效果及預測力,因此,建議學校機關除可加強對認輔志工的培力與受訓,另外,學校行政更要努力營造一個讓志工舒適且具激勵的身、心的工作氛圍作為提升工作滿意度之良策。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate and explore the relationship of social support, psychological empowerment, and work satisfaction of adoption-guidance volunteers in elementary school in Taipei County. This study used a questionnaire survey method to collect data. A total of 335 valid questionnaires was analyzed by using mean, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, Spearman’s rank correlation, and multiple regressions. According to the findings, some conclusions were as follows, 1.Social support: The sense of social support of adoption-guidance volunteers in elementary school was middle-high. And, the sense of social support was better when they were single, low-seniority, and retired. 2.Psychological empowerment: The sense of psychological empowerment of adoption-guidance volunteers in elementary school was middle. The sense of psychological empowerment was better when they were male, high-age, high-seniority, no child, and high education level. And, there was positive significant correlation in social support and psychological empowerment. 3.Work satisfaction: The level of work satisfaction of adoption-guidance volunteers in elementary school was middle-high. The level of work satisfaction was better when they were male, single, low-seniority, trained, and no child. And, there was positive significant correlation in social support, psychological empowerment, and work satisfaction. 4.Hierarchical Regression Analysis: The result in regression mode of perception of social support, psychological empowerment, and work satisfaction concludes that administratively support ,partners’ support, impact, competence, self-determination could affect work satisfaction. These five factors could explain the 61.2﹪of the total variance in work satisfaction. In sum, this research found social support and psychological empowerment have the forward effect and prediction to work satisfaction. Therefore, it suggested that the school institution may strengthen the professional training to adoption-guidance volunteers. Moreover, the school administration must strive to build a comfortable environment and encouraging working atmosphere that make adoption-guidance volunteers promote work satisfaction.



認輔制度, 認輔志工, 社會支持, 心理賦權增能感, 工作滿意, 充權, Empowerment, Social support, Work satisfaction





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