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在聲調習得的領域中,先行研究顯示,日籍學習者華語雙音節詞聲調的主要問題在於第二聲或第三聲,例如唸第二聲+第一聲或第二聲時其第一音節的第二聲不到位,容易唸成接近第三聲的發音(孟子敏2000、劉藝1998等),另還有唸第三聲+第一聲時第一音節的第三聲會唸成第二聲(何平1997)等現象。除了此聲調問題之外,本論文還要探討高齡學習者的華語聲調習得能力。多數的心理學家指出人類的短期記憶隨著年齡增加而衰退,因此本研究照Czaja&Sharit(1993)提出的七條記憶老化的策略與蔡喬育(2012)建議的針對高齡學習者語言教學技巧來設計教學內容以及方法。 本研究的受試者為一位高齡69歲的日籍學習者,並以聲調最小對比的原則設計華語聲調訓練課程,使用線上華語發音自動檢測平台〈MyCT〉進行聲調訓練與五次的聲調錄音。訓練課程與聲調錄音內容為18組聲調最學對比的雙音節詞(如:搭車vs大車)、短語(如:搭車來vs大車來)以及9句包含聲調相對兩個詞彙的句子(如:大車來了,趕快搭車吧)。一個月的實驗期間中,在前三週受試者每週上兩次聲調訓練課程及每天都自學訓練,在後兩週僅有自學訓練來進行練習。經過五次的聲調錄音觀察受試者所產生的偏誤以及成績的變化。 研究結果顯示,自受試者偏誤當中可見,不管第一或第二音節,包含第二或第三聲雙音節組合的偏誤出現比例很高。其中第二聲+第二聲組合的偏誤比例遠遠高於其他組合,唯一大於60.0%。而其偏誤類型為唸成第二聲+第三聲,此結果符合日籍學習者經典的偏誤類型。同時分析實驗期間內聲調訓練課程的成績變化,由其結果可得,七成以上雙音節組合的正確率比第一次聲調錄音時的提高了。
Extant studies on the acquisition of Mandarin tones have shown that tone 2 and tone 3 are the most difficult for Japanese learners, to learn, and caused the Japanese the most errors. This type has been identified as weaknesses in Japanese learners by numerous scholars. They have suggested various correcting method while its still deemed them as one of huge obstacle for Japanese learners studying Mandarin. Japanese learner often has to face Mandarin tones in the process of communication in Mandarin. Even if a learner still has not mastered system of Mandarin tones. Such learner continues to produce tonal Mandarin errorses, such problem can be fossilized. Teachers must consider its teaching method that matching the student’s level, and simultaneously take the background of such as age into account. At present, the main target scope of the general teaching materials is probably for the young to middle-aged groups of learners. Few Mandarin teaching materials have been designed for aged learners. Based on the above concerns, this study focuses on an aged Japanese learner by finding Mandarin tonal errors, and then start the pronunciation training online for Mandarin tones on the 〈MyCT〉 software. Through testing the learner five times, the study will observe the passes of learner’s Mandarin tonal errors and performance. Author will analyses the results of the experiments on two syllables. From analyzing errors of the learner, our results indicated that tone 2 + tone 2, has particularly high error raito, and is the only combination with an error rate greater than 60%, which is mistakenly read ino tone 2 + tone 3. This result is consistent with result of classic error types of Japanese learner reported by other researchers, simultaneously is analyzed the pronunciation training to see weather it had some effect on the learner’s performance. From results of our experiments, the author can affirm that this pronunciation training did affect the learner’s pronunciation production.



華語教學, 華語聲調, 日籍學習者, 高齡學習者, 數位學習, Mandarin teaching, Mandarin tones, Japanese learner, aged learner, online pronunciation training





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