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目的: 本研究旨在探討自2013年起,韓籍射箭教練具滋晴來臺執教後,針對中華台北國家代表隊選手帶隊風格與領導模式。方法: 本研究將採取質性研究方法,藉由文獻探討以及深度訪談的方式,將具滋晴教練的領導模式進行分析,最後再針對所蒐集的文獻資料以及受訪教練與選手的內容進行三角檢測,確保資料的真實性,提高研究信賴程度。結果: 一、具滋晴教練以民主行為的領導模式為主軸,嚴謹的方式要求訓練,選手與教練之間的契合度高。二、具滋晴教練了解選手個別需求,將團隊整合,形成良性的競爭團體。三、具滋晴教練將韓國的帶隊模式與我國結合,帶給選手訓練上的觀念,選手在平時訓練上實踐,接受度很高。四、具滋晴教練來臺執教期間,中華隊射箭選手在國際賽事成績方面,明顯進步,包含專項技術以及心理層面上,都有所提升。結論: 具滋晴教練帶給中華隊選手的影響,不僅是在射箭技術上能夠與韓國隊抗衡,國際賽事奪金次數增加,更重要的是具滋晴教練的領導方式與我國選手所期望的領導模式契合,當教練、選手與情境三者之間達到契合時,便能創造出一個有效率的團隊,進而改變中華隊選手在訓練上的態度與思維,給予選手很大的迴響。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to discuss the coaching style and leadership model of Korean archery coach Koo, Ja-Chung, hired as head coach of Chinese Taipei archery national team since 2013. Literature review and in-depth interviews were used in this qualitative study, hoping to analyze the leadership model of him. Results: (1) Democratic behavior of the leadership model as coach's main axis, but also be cautious about the training, and it's compatible between coach and archers. (2) Coach Koo understands arhers' individual requirements, doing team integration well to make the positive competition. (3) Coach Koo combines the korean coaching style with local training background, bringing the new concepts to archers, which were highly accepted by them. (4) During his stay in Taiwan, not only the results of international competitions were much better, but also the skills and the mental part have been improved. Conclusion: The influence which coach Koo, Ja-Chung brings to the Chinese Taipei archers include minimizing the difference between Korean and Taiwanese archers in skills, raising the times of getting gold medals in the international tournaments; more important, his leadership and coaching style meet the expectations of archers. The team works is efficient when coach, archers, training atmosphere are harmonious. Thanks to coach Koo, national team archers changed the attitude and thought in training.



韓籍教練, 領導模式, 射箭, Korean coach, leadership model, archery





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