
dc.description.abstract本研究目的在探討公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理理論內涵與重點,瞭解公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理的實施現況、困境與解決策略,同時建構一套我國公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理模式。 為達成研究目的,本研究首先探究公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理理論四項核心實務:教師聘任、教師待遇、教師專業發展、教師評鑑之內涵與重點,以形成本研究模式之初步概念建構。其次,透過訪談法訪談9位專家學者以了解公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理實施現況、困境與解決策略,並蒐集學者專家對本研究模式之意見,形成研究模式之第二次建構;並由13位專家學者組成德懷術諮詢小組,進行兩回合的德懷術問卷調查,蒐集專家學者對公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理模式之意見,進行模式之第三次建構,最後確立模式內容。   根據文獻探討、訪談以及德懷術問卷調查結果,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理活動以教師聘任、教師待遇、教師專業發展、教師評鑑為主要核心實務。 二、影響公立大學實施教師的策略性人力資源管理主要因素有:教育部的政策、學校內外部因素、經費、管理制度、人力資源的配置,以及會計與人事法規。 三、實施大學教師的策略性人力資源管理有利條件有:時機與外在的環境因素、學校內部的有利條件、公立大學工作與福利的保障比較高。 四、實施公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理,公立大學校長應訂定明確的學校發展願景與目標,進行人力資源規劃、執行與評鑑活動;人事部門應從支援性的行政幕僚轉變為協助大學競爭與發展的策略夥伴;教育部扮演「賦權」與讓大學擔負起「課責」兩種角色。 五、我國公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理模式內涵 公立大學應先針對學校的內、外在環境,進行PEST分析、SWOT分析以及國內外教育政策與學術發展趨勢分析;其次,根據大學宗旨、個別學校願景,以及內、外在環境分析的結果,發展學校目標與進行自我定位;並據此擬訂出公立大學的發展策略;接著,實施公立大學教師之策略性人力資源管理核心實務活動,並強調整合與調適;最後,產生策略性人力資源管理效能,並產生回饋訊息到公立大學發展目標、策略與核心實務活動。在進行這五項活動內涵時,必須不斷進行評鑑,以產生回饋訊息進行修正,形成持續改進的動態模式。 最後,本研究分別就高等教育主管機關、公立大學及後續學術研究提出建議,供作未來推行公立大學教師的策略性人力資源管理及進一步研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this study are mainly to discuss the theory of Strategic Human Resource Management Model for National University teachers, to realize the current situation, problems and strategies, and to construct a Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Model for National University teachers. In order to construct a conceptual model, this study reviewed literature of four core practices of Strategic Human Resource Management Model for National University teachers: teacher recruitment, teacher compensation, faculty development, and teacher evaluation. For a second construction of the model, interviews with 9 experts were adopted to analyze the current situation, problems and strategies for National University teachers; in addition, experts’ opinions on the conceptual model were collected to add insights. A two-round Delphi Technique survey with a total 13 experts being asked to participate was adopted to construct the model the third time. According to the results of literature review, interview and Delphi Technique survey, this study constructed a standard procedure and content of Strategic Human Resource Management Model for National University teachers. 1. Four core practices of Strategic Human Resource Management Model for National University teachers are teacher recruitment, teacher compensation, faculty development, and teacher evaluation. 2. The influential factors of Strategic Human Resource Management for National University teachers are the policies of Ministry of education,internal and external factors, funds,the management system, the allotment of human resource,the regulations of accounting and personnel. 3.The advantageous conditions to carry out Strategic Human Resource Management for National University teachers are timing and external environment, internal advantageous conditions,and National University have better work and welfare security. 4.The president should set up clear vision,conduct human resource planning,implemention and evaluation. The personnel section should change role from supporting administration staff to a strategic partner. 5.The content of Strategic Human Resource Management Model for National University teachers: First, National Universities conduct PEST analysis and SWOT analysis of internal and external environment, and analyze the tendency of educational policies and academic development. Secondly, according to intended aims and visions, National Universities develop their individual goals and induce self-orientation. Then, based on the goals and orientation, National Universities proceed to plan developmental strategies.Next, four core practices of Strategic Human Resource Management for National University teachers should be put into practice. Finally, four core practices produce SHRM effectiveness. In the five steps, there should be constant evaluations to revise the model with the evaluation feedback. Based upon the conclusions of this study, some suggestions are made for reference to the educational administration agencies, National Universities and future follow-up research.en_US
dc.subjectNational Universityen_US
dc.subjectStrategic Human Resource Managementen_US
dc.titleThe Construction of Strategic Human Resource Management Model for National Universityen_US

