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本研究旨在建構學校音樂欣賞教學模式,採以「修正式德懷術」為研究方法,研究者首先探討音樂欣賞教學相關文獻,並訪談教育美學、教育心理學專長之教授,以及高中音樂教師等學者專家,據以形成「學校音樂欣賞教學模式建構之調查問卷」初稿,並經由內容效度之檢驗而建立本研究實施德懷術調查之正式工具。 為使本研究之調查符合德懷術實施之規範,研究者邀請音樂教育、音樂教育美學與音樂教育心理學專長之教授各1人、普通高中音樂教師3人、職業學校及綜合高中音樂教師2人、藝術高中音樂教師1人與完全中學高中部音樂教師2人等,共11位專家參與本研究之德懷術調查。本研究問卷採五等第李克特式量表,以四分差、平均數與眾數分析各題項之趨向。經過兩次德懷術調查之實施,獲致11位專家意見之一致性,確認學校音樂欣賞教學模式及其各面向內涵,研究結論如下: 壹、 本研究建構之學校音樂欣賞教學模式其歷程包含:「確立素材組織、教學目標、評量與設備」、「首次聆聽與欣賞先備能力評估」、「各樂曲之核心概念教學」 與「學習評量與教學省思」等四項。且教學模式各歷程均包含教學步驟及其所對應之美學與心理學等三個面向,而每一面向各自具有十三項內容,總計卅九項。 貳、 本研究建構之學校音樂欣賞教學模式反映「審美教學模式」,其藉由「聆聽式的審美歷程」、「藝術作品的本質」、及「對藝術作品的聆賞回應」,分別符應原先學校音樂欣賞教學模式之「教學步驟」、「教學步驟對應之美學」與「教學步驟對應之心理學」等三個面向,其間呈現立體之交互作用與共存關係,且由前述之四項歷程漸次聚歛而完成教學,其間學生背景、音樂偏好與學校屬性等亦為教學可考量的因素。研究者並以個人為職校及綜高教師之角色,提出後期中等學校音樂欣賞教學示例,以具體詮釋所建構之學校音樂欣賞教學模式於教學實務之應用。 最後,研究者依據研究結論提出相關建議,包含音樂欣賞教學、教育行政單位、及後續研究等。 關鍵詞:音樂欣賞教學、教學模式、後期中等教育、修正式德懷術、音樂美感、音樂行為
This study aimed to constitute a teaching model for music appreciation applied at schools on the basis of the “modified Delphi technique”. With the literature on teaching music appreciation as its theoretical foundation, this study integrated opinions by interviewing professors specializing in aesthetics of education and psychology of education, as well as a senior high school music teacher. “The Delphi Questionnaire of constructing the teaching model for music appreciation applied at schools” was constructed and then modified through the content validity reviewers. The researcher invited eleven experts as the participates of this study, including three professors representative of music education, aesthetics in music education, and psychology of music education, along with eight senior high teachers from regular, skill-based, comprehensive and specialty-based senior high schools. The quartile deviation, mean, and mode were used to analyze and clarify the tendency of items. With twice Delphi surveys, the conclusions of this study were presented as follows: First, the teaching model for music appreciation consisted in four sequences of: “establishment of the material organization, teaching objectives, learning assessment and teaching equipments”, “assessment on the prerequisite capabilities of music appreciation via the first time music listening”, “teaching of the core concepts about music pieces”, and “ implements of learning assessment which used to reflections of the whole teaching”. Also, the teaching model for music appreciation was manifested into thirteen items each from its teaching procedure as well as the corresponding dimensions in aesthetics and psychology. There were totally 39 items deliberated in this model. Second, illustrated as a triangular pyramid chart, the “teaching model based on aesthetic appreciation” was used to interpret the teaching model of music appreciation in this study. Within this model, the practices of “aesthetic processes focus on the listening of music”, “listening response of the art music works”, and “essence of art music works used for teaching” respectively correspond to the preliminary dimensions of the teaching procedure as well as the corresponding dimensions in psychology and aesthetics. Furthermore, being a music teacher of the skill-based senior high school, the researcher constructed some examples for teaching music appreciation at post-secondary schools in order to interpret the teaching model which was constructed in this study from practical perspectives. Finally, based on the conclusions of this study, certain suggestions on the teaching and the future research of music appreciation in general education were proposed. Keywords: music appreciation teaching, teaching model, post-secondary education, modified-Delphi technique, music aesthetics, music behavior



音樂欣賞教學, 教學模式, 後期中等教育, 修正式德懷術, 音樂美感, 音樂行為, music appreciation teaching, teaching model, post-secondary education, modified-Delphi technique, music aesthetics, music behavior





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