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美國作曲家羅伯特•穆欽斯基(Robert Muczynski,1929-2010),生涯中的作品僅有六十四首,其中鋼琴小品佔最多數,篇幅極小,卻展現了穆欽斯基豐富的創作思想。目前國內學術論文,在鋼琴作品上多以探討其《觸技曲》(Toccata Op. 15),或以帕格尼尼主題作為變奏的《孤注一擲的曲調》(Desperate measures Op.48)的研究最為多數,對於小品的研究較少,未能充分了解穆欽斯基本身的創作思想,由為可惜。筆者以篇幅較長的《組曲》作品13(Suite Op. 13)、《馬弗里克》作品37(Mavericks Op. 37)兩首組曲為主軸,藉由透過中英文書、期刊、論文、電子資料庫等相關資料的蒐集、分析,以此探討穆欽斯基音樂風格,及其在樂曲中所使用的鋼琴技巧。本文共分為六章,第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、目的、範圍與研究方法,第二章為穆欽斯基音樂養成與音樂風格,第三章、第四章分別為《組曲》作品13與《馬弗里克鋼琴小品》作品37之樂曲分析,第五章為《組曲》作品13與《馬弗里克》作品37之演奏詮釋,分別在性格速度、踏板、技巧使用上給予建議,第六章 結論,總結穆欽斯基創作手法及風格,及他在聽覺中的巧思設計。
American composer Robert Muczynski (1929-2010) had a relatively modest output of only sixty-four works throughout his career, with a significant portion being character pieces for piano. Despite their small scale, these compositions showcase Muczynski's rich creative ideas. Currently, academic research in the domestic context tends to focus on his "Toccata Op. 15" or the study of "Desperate Measures Op. 48.There is a lack of extensive exploration into character pieces, leading to an insufficient understanding of Muczynski's unique creative philosophy.In this study, the author takes the longer character pieces "Suite Op. 13" and "Mavericks Op. 37", as the main focus for the study. Through the collection and analysis of relevant materials, including books, journals, theses, electronic databases, and other resources, the author aims to delve into Muczynski's musical style and the piano techniques employed in these compositions The paper is structured into six chapters, beginning with an introduction outlining the research motivation, objectives, scope, and methodology. Chapters two and three explore Muczynski's musical background, and style, while chapters four and five prejent analysis of op.13 and op 37.Chapter five also provides performance interpretations, offering suggestions on character, tempo, pedaling, and technique. The conclusion in chapter six summarizes Muczynski's creative techniques, style, and ingenious design in his auditory constructs.
American composer Robert Muczynski (1929-2010) had a relatively modest output of only sixty-four works throughout his career, with a significant portion being character pieces for piano. Despite their small scale, these compositions showcase Muczynski's rich creative ideas. Currently, academic research in the domestic context tends to focus on his "Toccata Op. 15" or the study of "Desperate Measures Op. 48.There is a lack of extensive exploration into character pieces, leading to an insufficient understanding of Muczynski's unique creative philosophy.In this study, the author takes the longer character pieces "Suite Op. 13" and "Mavericks Op. 37", as the main focus for the study. Through the collection and analysis of relevant materials, including books, journals, theses, electronic databases, and other resources, the author aims to delve into Muczynski's musical style and the piano techniques employed in these compositions The paper is structured into six chapters, beginning with an introduction outlining the research motivation, objectives, scope, and methodology. Chapters two and three explore Muczynski's musical background, and style, while chapters four and five prejent analysis of op.13 and op 37.Chapter five also provides performance interpretations, offering suggestions on character, tempo, pedaling, and technique. The conclusion in chapter six summarizes Muczynski's creative techniques, style, and ingenious design in his auditory constructs.
鋼琴小品, 穆欽斯基, 《組曲》作品13, 《馬弗里克》作品37, character pieces, Muczynski, Suite Op. 13, Mavericks Op. 37