辦桌文化之服務設計探討與創作 - 以結婚宴為例

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臺灣人的出生到死亡皆以辦桌做為交流媒介,辦桌文化因這項特殊的傳統文化,幸運地在時代的變遷過程中被保存了下來。但經濟結構的轉變,加上外部激烈競爭的情況下,辦桌產業受到強烈抨擊。如何保留辦桌文化的社會互動關係,創造順應社會與經濟結構轉換後的現代經營模式,成了本研究的主要目的。 本研究旨在探討辦桌文化之服務設計,以建構辦桌服務流程及分析現有接觸點為研究焦點。首先針對飲食文化、臺灣社會發展、辦桌產業發展、服務業發展、服務設計、顧客關係與體驗行銷等層面,進行文獻資料蒐集及彙整。本研究採質性研究之「立意取樣」方式,選定北、中、南共三位資歷超過二十年以上的辦桌業者,做為個案研究樣本,進行深度訪談,了解三位辦桌業者之辦桌相關經驗、意見、感受與知識,並以南部辦桌業者作為參與觀察之對象,以賓客立場深入辦桌結婚宴會場,進行實際勘查與資料蒐集,最後以「服務設計」之理論為研究中心,建構辦桌結婚宴之整體服務流程圖與辦桌結婚宴之外場服務流程圖,並從中探討現有接觸點及設計項目。 本研究結果顯示: (1)辦桌產業具備:無特定目標對象、無固定服務場合及無實體服務據點(店面)三大特性,深切影響服務設計執行與成果。 (2)辦桌屬勞力密集度極高的產業,常演變成家族成員有力出力、共同參與。 (3)辦桌產業之發展與被接受度程度,於城鄉間有顯著差異。 (4)在辦桌活動中,業主(付費者)涉入度高,從場地規劃、菜式設計、餐盤、桌椅帆布等各項服務細節,皆由業主參與規劃。 (5)業者實際提供的服務服務內容,依事先與業主規劃的內容為執行原則,賓客屬於被動式接受既定之服務內容。 (6)辦桌服務係由眾多人員協力完成,每一名成員皆是辦桌活動成敗的關鍵。 綜合研究結論作為後續創作立論之基礎,並藉由反覆檢視服務設計流程及現有接觸點,開創潛在及創見全新之接觸點。 本創作結果如下: (1)以辦桌之文化特殊性為切入點,融合結婚宴之雙紅喜、窗花與辦喜宴,加上閩南語中的「呷」字意涵,進行創作思考,最後以「呷歡囍」作為本創作主題。 (2)於輔助圖紋中加入「台灣花布」,表達台灣人追求幸福圓滿的期望。 (3)依服務流程與現有接觸點之分析結果,進而發展創造潛在與創見接觸點,結合彙整出辦桌結婚宴之完整設計項目。
Ban-Doh, an group eating custom endemic to Taiwan, is a traditional culture inherited until today, and is used as a social network ing medium from birth until death. During the rapid changing times of social and economic structures, the Ban-Doh industry is heavily impacted and is facing rigid competitions from other modern food services. The main goal of this research is to find a solution to maintain the interaction between Ban-Doh culture and society, thereafter to provide a business model fitting into the modern times. This paper discussed the service design for Ban-Doh culture, and focused on developing service workflows and analyzing the present touch points. The approach is described as the following: documents regarding food culture, social development in Taiwan, Ban-Doh industrial development, service sector development, service design, customer relations and experiential marketing were gathered and consolidated; then through purposive sampling method of qualitative research, three senior businesses from northern, central, and southern regions of Taiwan were chosen as the research samples for in-depth interviews, which their experience, views, feelings and knowledge related to Ban-Doh were surveyed; furthermore, the third business in southern Taiwan was chosen as the target of participant observation, through a view angle from a guest in a wedding banquet; finally, by applying the theories of service design, a detailed service flowchart for wedding banquet was constructed, with discussions on the present touch points and design items. The research has shown that: 1.Ban-Doh industry has the following three characteristics, which deeply affect its execution and outputs of service designs: no specific target, no fixed service occasions, and no physical service locations (stores). 2.Ban-Doh is an extremely labor-intensive industry, and it often becomes a family business runs by the entire family members. 3.There exists significant differences between urban and rural areas, regarding the development and acceptance of Ban-Doh industry. 4.The host (client) participates highly with Ban-Doh business operators (service providers) to plan every service detail, from site planning, design of dishes, to the usage of plates, tables, chairs, and canvas, etc. 5.The actual provided services are based on the agreed plan between the client and the service provider prior the event date; guests merely accept the pre-decided services passively. 6.Ban-Doh services are collaborations among many people, where every team member is the key to the success or failure of the event. Based on the above research conclusions, arguments for creations are established, and then through iterations of reviewing the service design workflows and the current touch points, potential and transcend touch points were discovered. The following conclusions from the creation can be drawn: 1.Using the peculiarity of Ban-Doh culture as the entry point, the creation has theme merged the Chinese ligature "double happiness" (囍), paper-cut for window decoration, and the meaning of "呷" (DT: zìaⁿ) in Min-nan (Southern Min) Chinese, thereafter became "呷歡囍" (DT: zìaⁿ huaⁿ hi), which has double meaning of “eat happily in wedding banquet” and “eat happy in wedding banquet”. 2.Taiwan Floral Cloth was added into the supplementary pattern, which represent the Taiwanese's expectations to pursue happiness and state of satisfactory. 3.The analysis of service workflows and touch points were matched to the potential and transcend touch points, and then a complete set of design items for wedding banquet in Ban-Doh style was summarized.



辦桌文化, 服務設計, 服務流程圖, 接觸點, Taiwanese Ban-Doh culture, Service design, Service flowchart, Touch point





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