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本研究旨在探討運用資訊科技協助國小中年級學生習得單字自律學習的策略,觀察學生於學習動機、學習習慣與自我效能三方面的改變。本研究採用行動研究法,研究對象為台北市某私立小學中年級學生46名,課程依據兩個單元的單字內容進行設計,每單元以自行研擬的「自律學習三階段」實施教學,包括計劃階段、表現階段與自我反思階段,在兩個循環課程中以科技輔助習得自律學習策略,包括以科技工具達到立即回饋與分析資料、線上學習、線上教學平台互動與多元評量等。實施過程中以課堂觀察、線上學習歷程、非正式訪談、教師教學省思、家長和學生回饋進行質性探討,透過單字學習前、後問卷和課堂學習回饋問卷進行量化分析,以了解課程設計對於學生在自我效能、學習動機和學習習慣三方面的影響。 研究結果顯示運用科技輔助單字自律學習,對於大部分學生在自我效能、學習動機和學習習慣都有所助益,能協助達到教學目標,並且家長與學生在課程實施後的回饋也多給予正向肯定。本研究依據討論結果於教學實務方面提出四點建議,單字目標設定時,提供學生上下限;科技融入教學的課程設計,需培養學生科技先備能力;教學者應依據學生的表現逐漸減少介入的程度;教學者需謹言慎行,並敏覺學生行為背後之原因。在未來研究方面,研究時程僅能觀察到短期的成效,自律學習課程設計應進行持續性與階段性的實施,並擴展至其他學習面向,問卷題目的設計可依據研究對象增加適齡的互動題目,除此之外,未來學者可針對各向度升降顯著的題目深入探究,並加入對照組使研究更佳詳實。
In recent years, educators put more emphasis on self-regulated learning. This research aimed to explore the ways using information technology to help learners acquire self-regulated learning strategies on English vocabulary learning. It described the changes of 46 grade four students’ learning motivation, learning habits, and self-efficacy during their learning process. The research was designed based on “three phases of self-regulated learning”, including forethought phase, performance phase and self-reflection phase. After implementation, qualitative discussions were conducted with informal interviews, online learning process, etc., and quantitative analysis was conducted through pre- and post-learning questionnaires and students’ learning feedback. The results revealed that using technology to assist self-regulated learning on vocabulary helped most students exhibit better self-efficacy, learning motivation, and study habits. It also showed that integrating technology into teaching could assist to achieve the teaching goal. On this basis, it was recommended that the acquisition of self-regulated learning strategies requires a complete system and continuous observation and needs to extend to all aspects of English learning. Furthermore, when using technology in the classroom, teachers need to help students develop the prior knowledge and the skills of technology.



科技融入教學, 自律學習, 單字教學, 自我效能, 英語學習動機, 學習習慣, technology integration, self-regulated learning, vocabulary learning, self-efficacy, English learning motivation, learning habits





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