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沃恩.威廉斯是二十世紀英國代表性作曲家之一,他是身兼多職的音樂家,專業領域包含作曲、編曲、指揮、音樂史學家、辯論家、行政管理人員及音樂教師等,他也是推動英國民間音樂採集運動的貢獻者。他的《中提琴與小型管弦樂組曲》(Suite for Viola and Small Orchestra) 與其他二十世紀的中提琴作品相比之下,較鮮為人知,但其演奏技巧複雜,樂曲親和力高,也是一部不可小覷的作品,全曲分為三組,總共有八首樂曲,各有特色。本論文劃分成四個章節,第一章有三節,分別概述作曲家生平、音樂創作特色和作曲家與民間音樂採集運動之間的關聯性;第二章有兩節,先詳述《中提琴與小型管弦樂組曲》的創作背景,再探究中提琴家泰悌斯 (Lionel Tertis, 1876-1975) 對此曲的影響;第三章和第四章是樂曲分析和樂曲演奏詮釋,從每首曲目的特色、結構和演奏方法解說;最後在結語發表本篇論文的研究心得。
Ralph Vaughan Williams was one of the recognized composers in the United Kingdom in the 20th-century. He was outstanding in many fields including composition, arrangement, conducting, music historian, debater, administrator and music teacher, etc. He was also a contributor to the promotion of the British folk music collection movement. His"Suite for Viola and Orchestra" is less well-known compare to the viola repertoires in his contemporary. The performer’s technique is complicated in this suite, and the affinity to music attracts the audience attention. Hence it could not be underestimated. "Suite for Viola and Orchestra" is divided into three groups. There are a total of eight pieces of music and each has its characteristics. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter summarizes the composer’s life, the uniquecompositional skills and the relevance with the folk music; the second chapter introduces the background of"Suite for Viola and Orchestra" and the influence by Lionel Tertis (1876-1975), the greatest violist in the 20th-century. The analysis, features and the interpretation are explained in the third and the fourth chapters. Ultimately, this research concludes with the reflection on the "Suite for Viola and Orchestra".
Ralph Vaughan Williams was one of the recognized composers in the United Kingdom in the 20th-century. He was outstanding in many fields including composition, arrangement, conducting, music historian, debater, administrator and music teacher, etc. He was also a contributor to the promotion of the British folk music collection movement. His"Suite for Viola and Orchestra" is less well-known compare to the viola repertoires in his contemporary. The performer’s technique is complicated in this suite, and the affinity to music attracts the audience attention. Hence it could not be underestimated. "Suite for Viola and Orchestra" is divided into three groups. There are a total of eight pieces of music and each has its characteristics. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter summarizes the composer’s life, the uniquecompositional skills and the relevance with the folk music; the second chapter introduces the background of"Suite for Viola and Orchestra" and the influence by Lionel Tertis (1876-1975), the greatest violist in the 20th-century. The analysis, features and the interpretation are explained in the third and the fourth chapters. Ultimately, this research concludes with the reflection on the "Suite for Viola and Orchestra".
沃恩·威廉斯, 《中提琴與小型管弦樂組曲》, 中提琴, 佛漢‧威廉斯, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Suite for Viola and Small Orchestra, viola, Suite