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本研究旨在探討國中生嘲笑風格、父母嘲笑風格與其知覺父母教養態度之關係。以「中文版嘲笑風格量表」、「雙親教養態度量表」為研究工具,採立意取樣,抽取九校776組國中生與其父母,回收之後獲得國中生有效樣本647人,父親有效樣本240人,母親有效樣本230人,父母親配對之樣本共計112組。結果顯示: 一、國中男生比女生更具「喜被笑」、「喜笑人」嘲笑風格;國中女生則比男生更具「怕被笑」嘲笑風格。 二、國中生知覺到母親的教養態度比父親更具「關懷」與「保護」。 三、夫妻嘲笑風格大致上呈現相似型。 四、父親越具「喜被笑」嘲笑風格,則父親教養態度越呈現「關懷」;母親越具「喜笑人」嘲笑風格,則母親教養態度越不傾向「關懷」。 五、父親「怕被笑」嘲笑風格能正向預測國中生「怕被笑」嘲笑風格,母親「喜被笑」嘲笑風格能負向預測國中生「怕被笑」嘲笑風格。 六、父親「喜笑人」嘲笑風格能正向預測國中生「喜笑人」嘲笑風格,父親與母親教養態度中「關懷」能負向預測國中生「喜笑人」嘲笑風格。 根據結果,本研究提出若干建議,以供教育輔導與未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between Pho-Phi-Kat and parenting styleof junior high school students and their parents.The measurements used werePhoPhiKat-TC Scale and Parental Bonding Instrument. 647 junior high school students from 9 schools, 240 their fathers and 230 their mothers participated in this study. The results were: 1. Junior high school studentswith different genders performed differently in PhoPhiKat-male students scored higher on Gelotophilia, Katagelasticism. On the other hand, female students scored higher on Gelotophobia. 2. There was a significantly positive correlation between fathers and mothers in Gelotophobia, Gelotophilia andKatagelasticism. Katagelasticism of mothers was positively related to Gelotophiliaof fathers. 3. Gelotophilia of fathers had a significantly positive correlation with care of father’s parenting style. Furthermore, Katagelasticism of mothers had a significantly negative correlation with care of mother’s parenting style. 4. Gelotophobiaof fathers could positively predict Gelotophobiaof children, while Gelotophilia of mothers could negatively predict Gelotophobiaof children. 5. Katagelasticism of fathers could positively predict Katagelasticism of children, while care of parenting style (from fathers and mothers) could negatively predict Katagelasticism of children. It is our hope that the results of this study may contribute to educational iv consultation and further studies as reference.



國中生, 嘲笑風格, 父母教養態度, junior high school students, ridicule styles, parenting style





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