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自閉症青少年在社會互動上有明顯的障礙,而幽默在維持人際關係及溝通意見上扮演了重要的角色,若能了解自閉症青少年與一般青少年在幽默上有何不同之處,對於進一步協助自閉症青少年運用幽默改善社會互動將有很大的幫助。因此,本研究旨在探討自閉症青少年幽默理解與欣賞、幽默風格與嘲笑風格和一般青少年是否有差異?以及差異情形為何?以全國177名自閉症青少年與性別、年齡配對之177名一般青少年為研究對象。採用自編之「幽默理解與欣賞問卷」;詹雨臻、陳學志、卓淑玲及Martin(2011)發展的「中文版幽默風格量表(HSQ-TC)」及陳學志、詹雨臻、Ruch與Proyer(2011)發展的「中文版嘲笑風格量表(PhoPhiKat-TC Scale)」為研究工具,研究結果如下: 一、自閉症青少年和一般青少年在幽默理解與欣賞上有顯著差異。 (一)自閉症青少年和一般青少年在不同類型幽默之理解程度上有顯著差異。自 閉症青少年在無厘頭、失諧解困類型笑話的理解程度皆顯著低於一般青少年。 (二)自閉症青少年在不同類型幽默的好笑程度評定上有顯著差異。自閉症學生 對於無厘頭笑話的好笑程度顯著高於一般青少年;而在失諧解困笑話的好笑程度上,自閉症青少年與一般青少年無顯著差異。 (三)自閉症青少年在不同類型幽默的好笑程度達顯著差異。自閉症青少年對於 無厘頭類型笑話的好笑程度顯著高於失諧解困類型笑話的好笑程度。一般青少年對於不同笑話類型的好笑程度則無顯著差異。 研究結果顯示自閉症青少年雖在幽默理解方面遇到了較大的困難,但在幽默欣賞的部分卻沒有困難。特別的是,本研究發現自閉症青少年比一般青少年更能夠享受在無厘頭類型笑話的愉悅情緒中。建議在教學中除了增進其幽默理解程度外,更可透過無厘頭笑話來增加自閉症青少年的正向情緒與心理健康。 二、本研究的貢獻在於深入探討自閉症青少年在幽默的不同表現方式與風格,瞭 解他們在使用各種幽默風格方面與一般青少年的差異情形。研究者發現自閉症青少年和一般青少年在幽默風格表現上有顯著差異。自閉症青少年在親和型、自我提升型與自我貶抑型幽默風格的展現上皆顯著低於一般青少年,唯在攻擊型幽默風格的表現上與一般同儕相同。建議教師可在課程與生活中,教導自閉症青少年展現正向之幽默風格。 三、在嘲笑風格方面,自閉症青少年和一般青少年的表現有顯著差異。自閉症青少年在怕被笑嘲笑風格顯著高於一般青少年,而在喜被笑嘲笑風格顯著低於一般青少年,在喜笑人的表現上與一般青少年相較無顯著差異。建議教師可透過人際技巧課程與生活情境,教導自閉症青少年以不同角度來詮釋他人的嘲笑,與面對被嘲笑時的適當因應方式,並於利用機會建立其自信心。
Adolescents with Autism spectrum disorder have problems in social interaction. Humor can be seen as an important tool in social interaction, supporting relationships but also communicating indirectly opinions that cannot be expressed overtly. It would bright great benefit to help adolescents with Autism spectrum disorder improving their social interaction with humor if we can realize the difference in humor between adolescents with Autism spectrum disorder and normal groups. This study aims to understand the contents of humor comprehension and appreciation, humor styles, gelotophobia(the fear of being laughed at), gelotophilia(the joy of being laughed at), and katagelasticism (the joy of laughing at others) of adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 177 adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder accepted the measurement of the Questionnaire of humor comprehension and appreciation, traditional Chinese version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire and Traditional Chinese Version of the PhoPhiKat-45. Moreover, 177 normal adolescents whose age, and sex matched to Autism Spectrum Disorder group also accepted these measurements. Research data are analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, Analysis of Two way ANOVA , and Analysis of Variance. The results are shown below: 1. The measured results of humor comprehension and appreciation showed significantly differences between the adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and normal group. a. The adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder have more difficulties than the normal group in comprehending jokes. b. The adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder rate nonsense humor as significantly funnier than normal group. c. There were no significantly differences in funny of reading incongruity-resolution humor between the adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and normal group. d. The adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder perceive nonsense humor funnier than incongruity-resolution of humor, which is different from what normal group perceives. Specifically, this research finds adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder enjoy nonsense humor more than normal group. 2. There were significant differences between the humor styles shown by the adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and by normal group. a. The adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder showed significantly lower affiliative humor, self-enhancing humor and self-defeating humor than normal group. b. There were no significant differences in aggressive humor shown between the adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and normal group. 3. The results of gelotophobia, gelotophilia and katagelasticism showed significantly differences between the adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and normal group. a. The adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder showed significantly higher gelotophobia than normal group. b. The adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder showed significantly lower gelotophilia than normal group. c. There were no significantly differences in katagelasticism between the adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and normal group. According to the major findings of this research, the author gave some suggestions for educational consultation and further studies in the future: a. Teachers can help adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder to comprehend jokes. b. Teachers can tell some nonsense humor to bring positive feeling to adolescents with Autism spectrum disorder. c. Teachers can help adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder to establish their own positive humor styles not only in the program but also in life. d. Teachers can teach adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder interpreting from different perspectives when being teased. Moreover, teachers should lead them reacting with an appropriate attitude so as to establish their confidence.



自閉症, 亞斯伯格症, 幽默理解與欣賞, 幽默風格, 嘲笑風格, Autism, Asperger syndromes, humor comprehension, humor appreciation, Humor Styles, Gelotophobia, Gelotophilia, Katagelasticism





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