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本研究旨在瞭解拒絕敏感度、情緒調節與約會暴力之間的關係,以及不同背景變項在約會暴力上的差異情形。以「基本資料調查表」、「拒絕敏感度量表」、「情緒調節困難量表」、「大學生約會暴力行為量表」、「社會讚許量表」為研究工具,調查臺北地區三所大學(師範、私立及技職)的大學生,刪除社會讚許分數前15%的受試者,得到443位平均年齡20.57歲的大學生。並以描述統計、卡方考驗、Pearson積差相關、階層迴歸等統計方式分析資料,得到研究結果如下: 1. 有五成大學生曾經驗過約會暴力,其中以有口語暴力經驗的大學生為最多。 2. 大多數大學生同時有受暴和施暴的經驗,顯示大學生伴侶間的約會暴力具有交互作用。 3. 兩性在經驗約會暴力總分上,並無差異,但在施加性與親密的暴力上,男性則顯著多於女性。 4. 有同居和交往時間越長的大學生有較高的趨勢有約會暴力經驗。 5. 戀愛次數越多的大學生有較多遭受約會暴力的經驗。 6. 拒絕敏感度能夠預測情緒調節困難,其中焦慮狀態能夠預測個體對自身情緒不接納、衝動失控、阻礙完成目標之程度;負向預期拒絕則對個體不清楚自身感受有預測力。 7. 衝動失控可以預測個體施加暴力總分以及施加輕微暴力。 8. 情緒調節困難對於負向預期及施加約會暴力具有調節作用。情緒調節困難的大學生,越預期他人不會拒絕自己的請求越會對伴侶施加暴力。 根據以上研究發現,進一步提供大學諮商工作以及政府反暴力工作上的應用和建議,並於最後提出本研究的限制和未來研究的方向。
This study aims to understand the relationship between rejection sensitivity, emotion regulation and dating violence. The sample consisted of 443 undergraduate students in Taipei. They were invited to complete a self- report questionnaire including "Basic Information Survey", "Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire," "Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale ", "College Dating Violence Scale". All valid data were analyzed with chi-square test, Pearson correlation, and hierarchical regression. The results are: (a) There are almost half of the participants had experienced dating violence, and most of them experienced verbal violence. (b) 64.8% of the participants who had experienced dating violence are both victim and perpetrator. (c) There is no evidence indicate that males or females are victims or perpetrators in dating violence, but it shows that males tend to use much sex-intimate violence than females.(d) Cohabitation are the risk factor of dating violence. (e) Number of romances is positively related to suffer violence. (f) Length of dating relationship is positively related to experience dating violence. (g) Rejection sensitivity can positively predict difficulties in emotion regulation. (h) Difficulties in emotion regulation can positively predict dating violence perpetration. (i) Difficulties in emotion regulation is a moderator between rejection sensitivity and dating violence perpetration.



拒絕敏感度, 情緒調節, 約會暴力, 社會讚許, Rejection Sensitivity, Emotion Regulation, Dating Violence, Social desirability





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