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本研究旨在探討內容與語言融合學習(Content and Language Integrated Learning,簡稱 CLIL)教學模式應用於國小一年級體育課程中之成效並記錄課程進行之教學行動與省思。研究者藉由行動研究法,蒐集學生課堂相關資料,進行資料分析、描述,並針對研究現場進行資料的詮釋,另以「雙語體育課程測驗卷」、「雙語體育態度量表」、「體育技能檢核表」等作為量化評量輔助,藉以了解學生在經過CLIL雙語體育課程後,對學科知識及語言學習的學習態度及學習成效為何,並透過反思、修正及調整教學的循環歷程,發展出一套完善且可用的雙語體育教學模組,以利未來雙語體育教學之推行。本研究所獲得的結論如下:(一)研究者所設計的雙語體育教學模組以CLIL金字塔為課程發展架構,而在教學活動設計上參考理解式教學法「簡易活動競賽」、「賽後討論與技能教學」、「動作技能的練習與精進」及「競賽活動與評量」等四步驟進行教學。(二)經過雙語體育課程教學後,學生對於雙語體育課程抱持正面積極態度,並不會因為課程以英語進行而感到焦慮或恐懼,能夠理解並掌握課程內容並能達成學習目標。(三)據研究結果顯示學習者的英語能力與體育能力皆有所提升,故可推斷進行雙語教學不會干擾學科之學習。且學科和語言之同步學習,反而可提升學習者語言學習之進步。
The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of CLIL on physical education lessons. The study was conducted to about 112 first grade students at an elementary school in the Taipei City for 3 months, focusing on a PE unit, Racing and Jump Rope. The data required for the study were collected via English listening test, a feedback questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with 24 students. Data derived from the listening English test were analyzed statistically with paired sample t-test and those from semi-interviews and the feedback questionnaire were elaborated with descriptive analysis to triangulate the statistical data collected.The results showed that the CLIL lesson helped increased stundent’s Englsih listening skills, foster student’s physical development, and reduced language learning anxiety. The study garnered favorable responses regarding the course design, planning, and interactions between teachers and students.
The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of CLIL on physical education lessons. The study was conducted to about 112 first grade students at an elementary school in the Taipei City for 3 months, focusing on a PE unit, Racing and Jump Rope. The data required for the study were collected via English listening test, a feedback questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with 24 students. Data derived from the listening English test were analyzed statistically with paired sample t-test and those from semi-interviews and the feedback questionnaire were elaborated with descriptive analysis to triangulate the statistical data collected.The results showed that the CLIL lesson helped increased stundent’s Englsih listening skills, foster student’s physical development, and reduced language learning anxiety. The study garnered favorable responses regarding the course design, planning, and interactions between teachers and students.
內容與語言整合學習, 體育教學, 學習態度, 學習成效, 行動研究, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), Physical Education teaching, Learning Attitude, Learning Effectiveness, Action Research