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Studies to date have concentrated on contrastive analysis of refusal speech acts; however, few studies have been done on interlanguage analysis, especially learners of Chinese. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the performance of Australian learners of Chinese on refusal strategies and to conclude their pragmatic failures. The elicitation instrument used for data collection includes closed-role play and on line questionnaires. There are three gourps participated in first method including 10 native Chinese speakers, 10 Australian Englsih speakers, and 10 Australian learners of Chinese. 100 native Chinese speakers’ perception data were collected in second method to compare with the production data elicited from Chinese learners. The production data show that Chinese learners’ performances resemble Australian English speakers, in terms of frequency, content and order of semantic formulas. However, influenced by class teaching or culture understanding, Chinese learners’ responces are similar to the target-like norm when facing people in higher status. On the other hand, the perception data indicate that Chinese learners scored low on situations of status equal, low and those of intimates and accquaintience. These four situations lead to pragmatic failures often. Chinese learners’ pragmatic failures can be divided into two aspects. First, from the pragmalinguistics point of view, Chinese learners misuse modals, hedges and particles. Second, from the the sociopragmatics point of view, Chinese learners show the different levels of directness, formality and modesty from Chinese native speakers. According to the learner’s pragmatic failures, the study suggests a model teaching plan with two main instructional acitivity types: (1) raising student’s pragmatic awareness and (2) learners-as-researchers’ activies to facilitate learners’ pragmatic competence.
Studies to date have concentrated on contrastive analysis of refusal speech acts; however, few studies have been done on interlanguage analysis, especially learners of Chinese. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the performance of Australian learners of Chinese on refusal strategies and to conclude their pragmatic failures. The elicitation instrument used for data collection includes closed-role play and on line questionnaires. There are three gourps participated in first method including 10 native Chinese speakers, 10 Australian Englsih speakers, and 10 Australian learners of Chinese. 100 native Chinese speakers’ perception data were collected in second method to compare with the production data elicited from Chinese learners. The production data show that Chinese learners’ performances resemble Australian English speakers, in terms of frequency, content and order of semantic formulas. However, influenced by class teaching or culture understanding, Chinese learners’ responces are similar to the target-like norm when facing people in higher status. On the other hand, the perception data indicate that Chinese learners scored low on situations of status equal, low and those of intimates and accquaintience. These four situations lead to pragmatic failures often. Chinese learners’ pragmatic failures can be divided into two aspects. First, from the pragmalinguistics point of view, Chinese learners misuse modals, hedges and particles. Second, from the the sociopragmatics point of view, Chinese learners show the different levels of directness, formality and modesty from Chinese native speakers. According to the learner’s pragmatic failures, the study suggests a model teaching plan with two main instructional acitivity types: (1) raising student’s pragmatic awareness and (2) learners-as-researchers’ activies to facilitate learners’ pragmatic competence.
拒絕言語行為, 中介語, 語用失誤, 跨文化, 華語教學, refusal speech act, interlanguage, pragmatic failures, cross-culture, Chinese teaching