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華語教學進入後疫情時代,遠距線上課程成為新趨勢,鑑於網路學習華語的人數快速成長、學習背景越趨多元,以往單一的線上教學模式將難以適應新的環境變化,教學單位迫切希望教學設計能有針對性、適應不同遠距課程的學習環境,並滿足多元學習需求。本研究為行動研究,以尼泊爾當地華語線上學習者作為研究對象,課程前後歷時兩年半,在教學的過程中發現,由於當地特殊環境特徵、基礎建設不足與數位落差等問題,使得發展華語文教學面臨一些困境與挑戰。為了解決問題,研究者決定把握教學機會進行研究,並將研究流程分為五個階段,包含發現問題、診斷問題、擬定與實施行動策略、研究方法與分析資料、結論與省思。完整的五個階段視為一次行動迴圈,一共實施兩次迴圈,研究結果發現,一、遠端教室設備問題較難改善,需仰賴多方合作,有時因文化習慣不同,師生之間對於問題的反應不同;二、發展針對性教材以及豐富的媒體內容有助於提高學生學習興趣,學習效果則因學生積極度不同而有所差異;三、師生互動方式受到限制,應採取虛實混合的活動方式。;四、要突破遠距教學的環境限制,不僅需要教師的專業安排,同時也需要學生端積極配合,如何幫助學生保持學習動力是最大的問題。面對背景特殊的線上課程,教師應從設備、媒體、教學內容、教學活動各方面做「客製化」設計,隨時彈性調整學習任務及互動模式,並提升教師對於該文化的專業知能。透過此研究,冀望能幫助同樣面對海外特殊背景,或是數位落差之線上華語教學環境,適性設計的教學策略。 完整的五個階段視為一次行動迴圈,一共實施兩次迴圈,研究結果發現,一、遠端教室設備問題較難改善,需仰賴多方合作,有時因文化習慣不同,師生之間對於問題的反應不同;二、發展針對性教材以及豐富的媒體內容有助於提高學生學習興趣,學習效果則因學生積極度不同而有所差異;三、師生互動方式受到限制,應採取虛實混合的活動方式;四、要突破遠距教學的環境限制,不僅需要教師的專業安排,同時也需要學生端積極配合,如何幫助學生保持學習動力是最大的問題。面對背景特殊的線上課程,教師應從設備、媒體、教學內容、教學活動各方面做「客製化」設計,隨時彈性調整學習任務及互動模式,並提升教師對於該文化的專業知能。透過此研究,冀望能幫助同樣面對海外特殊背景,或是數位落差之線上華語教學環境,適性設計的教學策略。
The development of Chinese language teaching in Nepal has made significant progress with the emergence of online distance learning in the post- pandemic era. However, the rapid growth of online Chinese learners with diverse backgrounds highlights the need for targeted teaching designs adaptable to different remote learning environments. This action research study focuses on Nepalese learners of online Chinese language courses over two and a half years and seven semesters. Challenges resulting from local characteristics, inadequate infrastructure, and digital disparities were identified during the instructional process. The research process comprised five stages: problem identification, diagnosis, action strategies, data analysis, and conclusions. The study conducted two cycles of action research, indicating challenges in improving remote classroom equipment and necessitating a blend of virtual and physical activities for teacher-student interaction. Instructors must make professional arrangements and encourage active student collaboration to overcome distance learning constraints. The research aims to provide adaptive instructional strategies for individuals facing similar overseas backgrounds or digital disparities in the online Chinese language teaching environment.
The development of Chinese language teaching in Nepal has made significant progress with the emergence of online distance learning in the post- pandemic era. However, the rapid growth of online Chinese learners with diverse backgrounds highlights the need for targeted teaching designs adaptable to different remote learning environments. This action research study focuses on Nepalese learners of online Chinese language courses over two and a half years and seven semesters. Challenges resulting from local characteristics, inadequate infrastructure, and digital disparities were identified during the instructional process. The research process comprised five stages: problem identification, diagnosis, action strategies, data analysis, and conclusions. The study conducted two cycles of action research, indicating challenges in improving remote classroom equipment and necessitating a blend of virtual and physical activities for teacher-student interaction. Instructors must make professional arrangements and encourage active student collaboration to overcome distance learning constraints. The research aims to provide adaptive instructional strategies for individuals facing similar overseas backgrounds or digital disparities in the online Chinese language teaching environment.
華語教學, 行動研究, 同步視訊教學, 尼泊爾, 青少年, Chinese language teaching, online distance learning, Action research, Nepal, teenager