

中西繪畫的空間意識和沿革不同,使其深度、高度、廣度三個維度的表現手法也不盡相同,中國繪畫特有的橫卷畫幅中,常見可局部欣賞亦可連結成一整個故事的畫面,獨特的空間表現和圖像特性正有如圖畫書,因圖畫書的單頁畫幅空間有純藝術的價值,也帶有敘事功能,本研究透過移動視點表現手法之整理與歸納,提供圖畫書空間之創作參考。 藉由各種相關文獻的探討找出移動視點應用在圖畫書的執行方法,以達成下列目的: (1)移動視點表現手法歸納整理; (2)提供平面空間美感表現的創新與突破; (3)嘗試讓圖畫書的讀者以多元視點進行探索和想像; 本研究將移動試點的表現手法歸納有1.平行斜線法、2.空氣遠近法、3.重疊法、4.上下關係法、5.超現實表現、6.蒙太奇、7.拼貼法。創作執行階段中,將圖畫書以橫幅折頁的方式呈現,運用移動視點的表現手法於其中,使其單幅頁面可展現圖畫的純藝術特性,整幅展開時又有如一鏡到底的電影,成為一完整的故事。
There are different ways to represent depth, height, and extend in Chinese and Western paintings due to different space consciousness. In the Chinese scroll, images can be appreciated by parts or read as a story. The unique characteristic of the images in the Chinese scroll is just as the images in the picture story books. Images in the picture story books are both artistic and narrative functional. This study proceeds to a spatial representation to probe into the picture story books through applying to asynchronous viewpoints. Through document studying, this study conclude the methods of applying asynchronous viewpoints in picture story books, then accomplish purposes as follow: (1) Conclusions of asynchronous viewpoints in paintings. (2) Providing multiple thinking for 2D spatial representations. (3) Making an attempt on inspiring readers’ imagination with asynchronous viewpoints. In conclusion, asynchronous viewpoints methods are 1.parallelogram, 2.sfumato, 3.overlap, 4.up and down relation, 5.surrealism, 6.montage, 7.collage. At the stage of execution, the picture story book is presented in folding pages, and asynchronous viewpoints are the main spatial representation. Therefore, the single page shows the beauty of art, and the width of cloth tells the story.



空間表現, 移動視點, 圖畫書, spatial representation, asynchronous viewpoints, picture story books





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