教育與烏托邦─Plato《理想國》與 Gilman《她鄉》烏托邦教育思想比較研究

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本研究計畫的提出,係基於現今臺灣教育實踐中教育理想的失落、過往教育 思想的研究並不重視「烏托邦」教育思想的探討、以往教育史研究忽略了女性觀 點的教育思想探究等背景,因而認為現今的教育思想研究應重新檢視過往「烏托 邦」的概念及文獻,以重新活化吾人對於教育實踐的理想及力量。 本研究計畫的文獻分析包括了闡述教育與夢想的關係、烏托邦的意義與內 涵、烏托邦與希望及教育的關係、烏托邦的類別及層次、西方歷史中與教育有關 的烏托邦文獻等項目。由於西方歷史上有關教育的烏托邦文獻甚多,故本研究擬 先選擇定古希臘時代Plato《理想國》與20 世紀的C. P. Gilman《她鄉》作為探 究的對象並進行其中教育思想的比較及研究。本計畫之所以選定該兩本文獻,主 因除在於它們皆為歷史中重要的烏托邦及教育思想文獻外,其共產社會的觀點也 頗為類似,然而兩個烏托邦社會中建基的基本原則及呈現出來的教育風貌卻有極 大的差距,故兩者間的比較研究頗具意義。本研究除希望能有系統地深入探討教 育思想史中的烏托邦文獻外,也希望藉著不同類型烏托邦的比較研究追索教育思 想及原理的演變情形,並透過對於已往較被忽略的文獻的探討,提供教育思想史 研究的不同觀點。
The aim of this research is to study the relationship between utopia and education based on the recognition of the loss of educational ideals in Taiwanese society, the neglect of utopian literature in educational theory, and the ‘absence’of female/gender approach to educational thoughts. In term of reviewing the utopian literatures in the history ofWestern education, the author hopes to reinvigorate the ideals and powers of educational practices in present society. The scope of reviewing literature of this research includes the elaboration of relationships among education and hope and utopia, the meanings and implications of utopia, the classifications of utopias, and utopian literatures in the history of Western education, etc.. Due to the enormous number and complexity of utopian literatures in theWestern educational history, the author chooses two important writings about utopia to start this research, one is Plato’s Republic, and the other is C. P. Gilman’s feminist utopian novel Herland. The reasons why the author chooses these two utopian writings are they both are rather important educational and utopian classics, and the ideal societies which they present are both communist society. But on the others hand, the differences between them are also clear-cut, such as their organizing principles are obviously not the same, and the educational landscapes they builds are distinct, too. Owing to abovementioned reasons, the author argues the contrast and comparisons of utopian educational thoughts between Republic and Herland are meaningful. In addition, basing on the results of this research, the author also hopes to probe more utopian literatures in the history deeply and systematically, to inquire the historical changes of history ofWestern education, and to provide alternative approach to history of education.







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