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本研究旨在探討青少年行動上網裝置網路遊戲使用行為與正向心理健康間之關係,並比較不同背景群體與遊戲行為之台灣青少年在行動上網裝置網路遊戲使用行為與正向心理健康之差異情形。研究方法為問卷調查法,以北部地區758名就讀各級國中、高中職學校之在校生與未就學之青少年為研究對象,使用「行動上網裝置網路遊戲使用行為量表─青少年版」與「中學生正向心理健康量表」作為研究工具,將調查所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單變量及多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與回歸分析進行資料處理分析,獲致以下發現: 一、台灣青少年行動上網裝置網路遊戲使用行為現況偏低、正向心理健康現 況尚佳。 二、不同性別、遊戲行為之青少年在行動上網裝置網路遊戲使用行為上有顯 著差異。 三、行動上網裝置網路遊戲使用行為與正向心理健康呈低度負相關,並可以 「網路人際關係」、「負面結果」、「心情調適」等向度預測之。 四、網路遊戲過度使用青少年與一般手遊玩家青少年在正向心理健康分向 度:「情緒平衡」上有差異;在考量「性別」變項的情形下,整體正向 心理健康有差異。 最後,根據上述研究結果進行討論、形成結論,並就實務場域與未來研究上提出相關建議。
The main purposes of this research were to investigate the relationship between the mobile game using behavior and positive mental health among Taiwanese adolescents and how they vary with demographic characteristics and adolescent gaming behavior. Questionnaire survey was used as the method of this study, and the 758 participants of the study were high school students, vocational school students and teenagers without a formal education in Northern Taiwan. The instruments used in this research included “Mobile Game Using Behavior Scale - Adolescent Version” and “Positive Mental Health Scale of Middle School Student”. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, MANOVA and Pearson’s product-moment statistics. The results of this research were as follows: 1.In Taiwan, the condition of mobile game using behavior in adolescents is low and the condition of positive mental health is fine. 2.Mobile game using behavior in adolescents varies with gender and gaming behavior. 3.Mobile game using behavior in adolescents has little negative correlation with positive mental health and it can be predicted by dimensions of “Internet relationship”, “negative results” and ”emotion regulation”. 4.The teenage population of overusing mobile game and common teenage gamer have differences in positive mental health’s dimensions of “emotional balance”. Considering the variable - gender, the positive mental health is generally different. At last, discussion and conclusion were made according to the foregoing result of this research, and advice was given for practice and future studies.



網路遊戲使用行為, 正向心理健康, 手機遊戲, Internet game using behavior, positive mental health, mobile games





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