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According to the educational policies in Taiwan from learning English at earlier ages to bilingual teaching methods, we can see the expectations of our students’ English abilities in the future. However, the results of English Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students in rural schools seem lower than those in cities, with over half of the students in every grade are required to join the remedial teaching due to their poor English. Most students can’t read English, lack interest in English classes, and feel frustrated by the difficulties of learning English, so they would rather give up learning. Therefore, the researcher wanted to teach students how to read English texts by using English picture books and reading comprehension strategies through this program. The study aimed to examine the effects on using picture books to teach 9th grade English reading comprehension in a rural junior high school.This study adopted a qualitative method approach. The participants of this study were 12 nine-graders who were from a rural junior high school in New Taipei city, and only nine participants were willing to be in-depth interviewed. They attended ten lessons of teaching English with picture books which were conducted by the researcher herself. The qualitative tools for data collection include semi-structured interviews, pre/post-teaching worksheets for reading, the research participants’ learning notes and the instructor’s teaching notes. The qualitative data was triangulated and analyzed based on the principles of thematic analysis. The results of this study show that the lessons of teaching English with picture books had a positive impact on those students in different levels. They change the ways they read and reduce the cognitive load while reading. The more they can understand, the more confident they get; they also improve their ability to deal with unfamiliar words. The key elements of the lessons of teaching English with picture books for rural students that contributed to the positive impact on reading comprehension include: making reading interesting due to interesting content, rich pictures and dramatic stories, which can promote students to connect pictures and contexts and help them to build scenarios. The picture book talks about the real event which is close to the students' life experience, and it can also help them quickly understand the scenarios and feelings. Three recommendations were made based on the results of this study. Firstly, for professional teaching recommendation, teachers can offer picture books which are suitable for students’ English abilities, give them proper assistance to recognize the word meaning and make good use of reading strategies. Use picture books as multiple teaching materials that can expand students' vision. Secondly, for schoolrecommendation, picture books can be integrated into different courses because the diversity of picture books can enrich other knowledge, and also enable students to be exposed to English in an easy atmosphere. Schools should offer sufficient and diverse English picture books, and encourage teachers to join collaborative lessons or teaching. Besides, for future research, they can apply these lessons at different educational stages or areas to examine the differences. Hope the lessons for one book could be completed in time, or the missing parts of reading will influence the comprehension. Lastly, the researchers can apply a mix method. For example, use multiple choices as a quantitative tool to examine the results of learning, but as for the qualitative description, students should note the reasons for the answers. In order to collect more explicit data and all-around understanding of the effect on reading comprehension.
According to the educational policies in Taiwan from learning English at earlier ages to bilingual teaching methods, we can see the expectations of our students’ English abilities in the future. However, the results of English Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students in rural schools seem lower than those in cities, with over half of the students in every grade are required to join the remedial teaching due to their poor English. Most students can’t read English, lack interest in English classes, and feel frustrated by the difficulties of learning English, so they would rather give up learning. Therefore, the researcher wanted to teach students how to read English texts by using English picture books and reading comprehension strategies through this program. The study aimed to examine the effects on using picture books to teach 9th grade English reading comprehension in a rural junior high school.This study adopted a qualitative method approach. The participants of this study were 12 nine-graders who were from a rural junior high school in New Taipei city, and only nine participants were willing to be in-depth interviewed. They attended ten lessons of teaching English with picture books which were conducted by the researcher herself. The qualitative tools for data collection include semi-structured interviews, pre/post-teaching worksheets for reading, the research participants’ learning notes and the instructor’s teaching notes. The qualitative data was triangulated and analyzed based on the principles of thematic analysis. The results of this study show that the lessons of teaching English with picture books had a positive impact on those students in different levels. They change the ways they read and reduce the cognitive load while reading. The more they can understand, the more confident they get; they also improve their ability to deal with unfamiliar words. The key elements of the lessons of teaching English with picture books for rural students that contributed to the positive impact on reading comprehension include: making reading interesting due to interesting content, rich pictures and dramatic stories, which can promote students to connect pictures and contexts and help them to build scenarios. The picture book talks about the real event which is close to the students' life experience, and it can also help them quickly understand the scenarios and feelings. Three recommendations were made based on the results of this study. Firstly, for professional teaching recommendation, teachers can offer picture books which are suitable for students’ English abilities, give them proper assistance to recognize the word meaning and make good use of reading strategies. Use picture books as multiple teaching materials that can expand students' vision. Secondly, for schoolrecommendation, picture books can be integrated into different courses because the diversity of picture books can enrich other knowledge, and also enable students to be exposed to English in an easy atmosphere. Schools should offer sufficient and diverse English picture books, and encourage teachers to join collaborative lessons or teaching. Besides, for future research, they can apply these lessons at different educational stages or areas to examine the differences. Hope the lessons for one book could be completed in time, or the missing parts of reading will influence the comprehension. Lastly, the researchers can apply a mix method. For example, use multiple choices as a quantitative tool to examine the results of learning, but as for the qualitative description, students should note the reasons for the answers. In order to collect more explicit data and all-around understanding of the effect on reading comprehension.
繪本, 英語教學, 偏鄉學生, 閱讀理解, picture book, English teaching, rural students, reading comprehension