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全球暖化所帶來的問題,嚴重威脅人類生存的環境,因此如何抑制環 境進一步惡化與如何保護地球的環境議題,是人類的共同要面對的課 題。聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)自2005 年開始推動聯合國永續發展 教育十年(United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, UNDESD),也將全球暖化列為教育的核心主題之一,而學校教育是其中 的重要一環。本整合型計畫的目的共分為二年,第一年的目的是,調查 國中學生之節能減碳環境永續知識、技能與價值觀,以及瞭解生物、理 化、公民與健康學域教師的節能減碳環境永續教育、環境價值教學需求 和教學策略,現行課本的節能減碳環境價值內涵,分析九年一貫目前課 程綱要與民國100 年即將實施的新課程綱要之分段能力指標和補充說明 內容的節能減碳環境價值內涵,擬出節能減碳相關議題和融入環境價值 與碳足跡理念於教學。第二年培養與提升生物、理化、公民與健康學域 教師的節能減碳環境價值觀、行動研究能力、課程統整、教學智能與教 學效能,編製節能減碳環境價值融入生物、理化、公民與健康學域課程 模組,以及教學效果評量,並示範教學。
Global warming and all the associated problems threaten the living environment of mankind. How to slow the train of deterioration and protect the earth are the common concerns that all the human beings should face today. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESO) list global warming as the focus issue in the program of United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, UNDESD in 2005, where school education plays an important role to accomplish the above goal. The purposes of this two-years integrated research project are as follows: First year: to understand the knowledge, skill, views of values of energy saving and carbon reduction for junior high schools’students, and to investigate the need, the strategies and the connotation of teaching energy saving and carbon reduction and relative environmental values for junior high schools’teachers in the learning areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, Civic and Health education. Compare the capability index and content about energy saving and carbon reduction between current 9-year joint curriculum and the new curriculum implemented in 2011. Infuse energy saving and carbon reduction topics like carbon footprint and environmental values into teaching modules. Second year: promote the concept of environmental values on energy saving and carbon reduction for junior high school teachers. Enhance junior high school teachers’professional efficacy and capability in teaching, action study, and curriculum integration. Compile, demonstrate and evaluate the proposed teaching modules in the learning areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, Civic and Health education.







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