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保羅中學因應學校求發展,啟動學校革新計畫,在革新計畫執行一段時間之後,學校深感教師在學校革新的關鍵性角色,於是配合學校革新重點工作推動教師專業發展評鑑。 保羅中學推動教師專業發展評鑑時乃採階段性分年實施,評鑑規準包括四大層面:課程設計與教學、班級經營與輔導、研究發展與進修、敬業精神與態度,並依規準,採不同評鑑方式如教師自評、教學觀察、學生課程滿意度調查及教學檔案建置等。而其所得結果不與考核結合,主要運用在專業成長,學校專業成長機制計有專業成長工作坊、教師個人成長計畫、教學輔導教師之安排等。從88學年度開始之先期作法,至95學年度後所進行之試辦教師專業發展評鑑,其在學校發展計畫之框架下漸次推展,帶動了學校組織學習與組織文化之革新。 根據保羅中學之個案,本研究得到以下結論: 一、 推動教師專業發展評鑑的學校革新脈絡歷經課程本位化、學校社區化及優質化。 二、 推動教師專業發展評鑑的歷程由萌芽期、適應期的先期導入,隨組織文化的改變進入制度化的發展期。 三、 法源依據及主管教育行政機關的資源提供是主要影響教師專業發展評鑑推動的學校外部因素。 四、 組織文化的氛圍及評鑑結果的運用是主要影響教師專業發展評鑑推動的學校內部因素。 五、 推動教師專業發展評鑑使組織學習層次從個人提升至社群,並涉及學校既有價值及規範重設之歷程。 六、 推動教師專業發展評鑑促使組織文化從重視和諧走向評鑑探究的專業發展導向文化。 根據以上結論,本研究亦引申其對推動教師專業發展評鑑促進學校革新的啟示。 關鍵字:教師專業發展評鑑、學校革新、組織文化、組織學習
A Case Study of School Improvement Propelled by Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development Abstract For the development of the school, Paul High School began launching into the school improvement. After the school improvement had been carried out for a period of time, Paul High School deeply felt that teachers are key persons in the school improvement. Therefore, coordinating the school improvement, Paul High School implemented teacher evaluation for professional development. Paul High School adopted a step-by-step method to implement the evaluation. The school adopted teacher self-appraisal, students’ questionnaires, classroom observation and teaching portfolios to evaluate teachers. The criteria include curriculum design and teaching, class management and student counseling, professional development and attitudes. The outcomes of the evaluation are used to plan the professional growth of teachers. The following conclusions are obtained according to the research: 1. The progress of school improvement can be divided into 3 periods: school-based curriculum development, communitilized school development and high quality school development. 2. The implementation of the teacher evaluation for professional development can be divided into 3 periods: the emerging, accommodating and developing period. 3. Legal basis and resources offered from the Education Administrative Authority are the outside factors that influence the implementation of the teacher evaluation for professional development. 4. Organizational culture and the evaluation outcome application are the inside factors that influence the implementation of the teacher evaluation for professional development. 5. The implementation of the teacher evaluation for professional development promotes not only individual learning but also organizational learning, and the organizational learning involves the school value and rules restructure. 6. The implementation of the the teacher evaluation for professional development changes the organizational culture from symbolic harmony to evaluative inquiry. Based on the above conclusions, implications with regard to using teacher evaluation for school improvement were revealed. Key words: teacher evaluation for school improvement , school improvement, organizational culture, organizational learning



教師專業發展評鑑, 學校革新, 組織文化, 組織學習, teacher evaluation for professional development, school improvement, organizational culture, organizational learning





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