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中 文 摘 要 本研究的主要目的,在於建構創新班級經營的策略與模式,探究創新班級經營對學生行為表現的具體影響為何,運用創新班級經營的方式發揮班級經營的功能。並依據結論提出有關教師創新班級經營的建議。 以桃園縣一所公立國民小學六年級的一個班級,該班的學生為研究對象,進行為期五個月之個案研究。採用參與觀察、訪談、文件分析等方法,輔以現場記錄、反省日誌、相關學生文件資料……等,進行現場資料蒐集與深入研究。 本研究主要觀察時間為九十六學年度上學期,每週約進行五天觀察,訪談時間則持續至下學期三月底。主要觀察的重點是,個案班級學生透過創新班級經營策略,在擔任班級自治幹部、班級常規經營下之行為表現與師生關係經營之師生互動等三個部分。 依據文獻探討、研究發現與討論,本研究歸納出以下結論: 壹、創新班級經營策略與模式方面: 一、創新產生於個人、組織內部。 二、創新是技術創新。 三、創新是改善現狀,提升績效。 貳、創新班級經營對學生行為表現的具體影響方面: 一、創新班級自治幹部方面:相信學生,讓學生嘗試去做,因而培養了自信、助人、努力、主動與責任……等,許多正向的行為。 二、創新班級常規經營方面:獎懲制度以行為主義為手段,達成學生行為內化的目的。 三、創新師生關係經營方面:建立與學生溝通的管道。 參、創新班級經營的方式發揮班級經營的功能方面: 一、引導學生自治能力。 二、協助學生人格成長。 三、增進師生情感交流。
Abstract The main purpose of this research, lie in building tactics and way of constructing innovative class' management, why to research innovative classroom management the concrete influence displayed to student's behavior, function of using the way in which the innovative classroom manages to give play to the class to manage . And offer the suggestion of managing in relevant teacher's innovative classroom manages according to the conclusion. A six-grade class of a public primary school located in Tao Yuan County was selected, and a five-month case study was conducted on the pupils of the class, who had been included as research subjects. Such research methods as participant observations, in-depth interviews and analysis of documents, supported by on-site description, reflective diary, were adopted to collect primary data and conduct thorough investigations. The observations, five days of a week on the average, were carried out in the first semester of the 2007 academic year, while the in-depth interviews continued until late March of 2008. The focal point that is mainly observed is, the pupils of the case class pass the innovative classroom management tactics, three parts that the behavioral behavior of serving as classroom autonomy cadre, classroom discipline management, interacts with teachers and students whose teacher-student relationship management. Probe into , discover and discuss according to documents , sum up the following conclusion in this research: 1.Innovative classroom management tactics and way: (1)Evolve from individual , organize the inside in innovation . (2)Innovation is a technological innovation. (3)Innovation is to improve the current situation , improve the performance. 2.The innovative classroom management influence displayed to student's behavior: (1)Innovative class' autonomy cadre respect: Believe student, let student is it do to try, therefore train self-confident , help people, hard, take the initiative with responsibility ……etc, a lot of behaviors of turning towards. (2)Manage the respect in innovative class' routine: The system of rewards and penalties regards behaviorism as the means, reach the purpose to melt in student's behavior. (3)Manage the respect in innovative teacher-student relationship: Set up the channel of communicating with students. 3.Function that the way to join , managing in the classroom management gives play to the class to manage : (1)Guide student's autonomy ability. (2)Help student's personality to grow up. (3)Promote the emotion communication of teachers and students. Key word:innovation,classroom management,innovative classroom management



創新, 班級經營, 創新班級經營, innovation, clsaaroom management, innovative clsaaroom management





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