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中文摘要 本研究旨在探索父母教養態度、青少年網路沈迷情形與親子關係的關聯,以台灣北部家中有子女15-18歲並且使用網路之父母為研究對象,以立意方式取樣,共得601份有效問卷,研究工具包括「子女網路成癮量表」、「父母教養態度量表」、「親子關係適應量表」。所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關以及迴歸分析與徑路分析等統計方法進行處理。 本研究在差異性分析方面,主要的發現包括以下幾點:1.不同性別、教育程度與職業的家長在教養態度上有顯著差異;2.使用電腦網路與否的家長在教養態度與親子關係上有顯著差異;3.家中網路連線方式不同的家長在知覺子女網路沈迷與親子關係方面有顯著差異;4.家中網路電腦數量不同的家長在知覺子女網路沈迷情形有顯著差異;5.家長知覺不同性別的子女,以及上網頻率不同的子女網路沈迷方面有顯著差異;6.子女單次上網時間不同的家長在知覺子女網路沈迷情形與親子關係皆有顯著差異;7.子女上網聊天交友或玩網路遊戲的家長在知覺子女網路沈迷情形與親子關係方面有顯著差異。此外,本研究針對相關與預測分析方面,主要發現如下:1.父母教養態度與知覺子女網路沈迷情形可以預測父母知覺親子關係;2.父母教養態度與知覺親子關係可以預測父母知覺子女網路沈迷情形;3.父母教養態度可以透過知覺子女網路沈迷情形預測親子關係;父母教養態度也可以透過親子關係預測所知覺的子女網路沈迷情形。 最後,根據研究進行所遭遇到的困難與問題,說明研究上的限制,並且提出對未來相關研究的建議。也根據本研究的結果與發現,進一步針對父母面對教養網路青少年子女,或是從事親職教育相關輔導人員在擬定輔導計畫時,提出一些可供參考的建議與方向。
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation among parenting attitude, adolescent online addiction, and parent-child relationship perceived by parents. The target subjects were limited to the families with a 15-18 years old child who used Internet and resided in northern Taiwan. There were 601 completed questionnaires. The instruments used in this study include “Parenting Attitudes Inventory”, “The Parent-Child Addiction Test”, and “Parent-Child Relationship Scale”. The data were analyzed by independent-sample t-test, ANOVA, Pearson production-moment correlation coefficient, stepwise multiple regression and pathway analysis etc. Major research findings are as following: A.Parents’ background and research variables: 1.There were significant differences in parenting attitude across genders, occupations, and the level of education. 2.There were significant differences in parenting attitude and parent-child relationship between parents use Internet and those do not. B.Internet equipment and research variables: 1.There were significant differences in the perception of child Internet addiction and the Parent-child relationship among the families with various ways of connection of Internet. 2.There were significant differences in the perception of child Internet addiction among the families with various amount of computers. C.Child’s gender, Internet use and research variable: 1.There were significant differences in parents’ perception of child Internet addiction between child’s gender. 2.There were significant differences in parents’ perception of child Internet addiction among child’s frequency in Internet access. 3.There were significant differences in the parents’ perception of children Internet addiction and their relationship among child’s Internet time usage. 4.There were significant differences between the parents’ perception of child Internet addiction and parent-child relationship among purposes in Internet use. D.The correlation among parenting attitudes, perception of child Internet addiction and parent-child relationship: 1.The parent-child relationship could be predicted by parenting attitudes and perception of child Internet addiction. 2.The parent’s perception of child Internet addiction could be predicted by parenting attitudes and parent-child relationship. 3.The parent-child relationship could be predicted by parenting attitudes through the perception of child Internet addiction. And the parent’s perception of child Internet addiction could be predicted by parenting attitudes through the parent-child relationship. Finally, several suggestions and directions are provided for the person who is interesting in this area and want to go further or related studies. Limitations of this study and practical implications also discussed.



父母教養態度, 青少年網路沈迷, 親子關係, parenting attitudes, adolescent Internet addiction, parent-child relationship





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