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本研究旨在探討以差異化教學提升國中生英語學習成效,關心學生學習態度和學習表現,並檢視教師在教學實務上的可行策略與實施過程中所遭遇的困難與挑戰,將上述成果作為研究者對差異化教學提升國中生英語學習成效之反省和改進參考。以研究者任教的台北市某國中八年級一個班級,全班共34位學生為研究對象,為期10周,每週4堂課,每次45分鐘,共5個單元的國中英語科差異化教學課程。研究方法擬採個案研究法,並透過錄影、教學資料、學生晤談、觀察紀錄與日誌、教師省思等資料分析,以達研究目的之分析。 本研究獲致結論如下: 壹、教師在設計、實施英語科差異化教學前需瞭解學生學習差異,教學方案設計宜注意教學目標、學習內容、活動設計、學習情境與教學評量等面向之規劃。 貳、實施國中英語科差異化教學後,學生的實施成效在學生參與投入學習的程度與學習成就的改變皆有進展。 參、實施國中英語科差異化教學的困境與因應之道可從課程設計與實施過程兩個項目加以檢視,而帶給教師的專業成長包括增進英語專業知能的成長、教學設計能力的成長與持續參與差異化教學研習和社群。 本研究根據上述之研究結果,提出關於國中英語科差異化教學之相關建議,以提供後續相關人員進行教學與後續研究之參考。
The study aims to explore differentiated instruction to enhance junior high school students’ learning performance, to care about students' learning attitudes and learning expression, and to examine the difficulties and challenges encountered by teachers in the practical strategies and implementation of teaching practice. The above results are used as the reference for the reflection and improvement of the effectiveness of differentiated instruction to enhance junior high school students’ learning performance. The study investigated 34 grade 8th junior high school students in Taipei, executing 5 units for differentiated instruction of English teaching 4 times a week, and for 45 minutes each time during 10 weeks. To get the results of this study, the researcher analyzes data from the videos, teaching materials, students’ interviews, observation records, and teachers’ reflections. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. Before designing and implementing differentiated instruction in English teaching, teachers need to understand the parts of teaching goals, contents, activities, learning environment, and assessments. 2. After implementing differentiated instruction in English teaching, the learning effectiveness of the students has improved in the degree of their learning participation and achievements. 3. The problems and the solutions of implementing differentiated instruction can be found through the curriculum designing process and the implementation process. The implementation also helps teachers grow the professional knowledge and skills, and keep participating in the professional communities.



英語教學, 差異化教學, 個案研究, English teaching, differentiated instruction, case study





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