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本研究針對臺灣華語文教師赴越南任教選送模式以及相關制度與人事因素深入探究分析,以瞭解其執行成效與缺失,期能提供建構一個高效能的教師選送模式相關知識,作為選送華語文教師赴各國任教之參考。 本研究兼採文件分析法、問卷調查法、訪問調查法,以探討華語文教師赴越南任教之選送作業的制度與人事因素之影響。針對教育部2007年至2018年已選送赴越南任教的華語文教師寄發研究問卷114份,針對收回有效問卷57份進行教師教學與生活適應經驗等變項之統計分析,以瞭解選送模式之特色與問題。 參與選送華語文教師赴越南任教計畫的機構包括:我國教育部、越南教育培訓部、我國駐越南教育組、私立文藻外語大學、越南各大專院校,這些機構之間的相互協調合作和所依據的選送作業規定,對於選送計畫的執行成效均具有重要的影響。 研究發現,臺灣華語文教師赴越任教選送模式運作順暢的主要因素包含:臺越雙方政府簽署教育合作協定,共同支持華語文教學合作;臺越雙方教育機構與華語文教師相互簽訂教學合作契約,明確界定各方合作的任務;駐外教育單位定期全面徵詢越南各校教師需求,得以逐年擴增選送人數規模;文藻外語大學整合各校教師需求名額,辦理華語文教師聯合遴選作業,提高教師錄取機會;為華語教師舉辦行前講習培訓課程,強化教師赴國外教學生活適應能力;雙方政府協助教師取得工作簽證,提供教師在越南合法居留的身分。 研究也發現,目前選送作業也存在一些缺失不足的問題:選送模式未能同時輸出臺灣的華語文教材,導致教師教學特色不易發揮;輸出教師人數缺乏整體規劃配置,每年選送人數經常變動不定;選送對象忽略專業培訓資格,不利於大學培育華語文專業師資的長遠發展;限定教師出國任教年限,降低了教師前往較辛苦的國家任教的意願。這些都是選送模式可以再加強改進的作法。
This study is aimed at the mode of operating process of selecting Taiwan’s oversea Chinese-language teachers to teach in Vietnam. In this in-depth analysis of relevant systems and personnel influence factors, and the effectiveness and lack of implementation, it is expected that it can establish a high-performance mode as a reference for sending Chinese-language teachers to teach in various countries. This research combines the document analysis method, the questionnaire survey method, and the interview investigation method, to explore the system and personnel factors of Chinese-language teacher selection mode for Vietnam. For the Chinese-language teachers who were selected by the Ministry of Education to teach in Vietnam from 2007 to 2018, 114 research questionnaires were sent, and 57 valid questionnaires were retrieved for statistical analysis of teachers’ teaching and life adaptation experience to explore its effective features and problems faced. The institutions involved in the Chinese-language teacher selection plan for Vietnam include: Ministry of Education of Taiwan, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, Education Division of TECO in Vietnam, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, the universities and colleges of Vietnam. The interaction between these institutions and the operational regulations on which they are based have an important impact on the effectiveness of the implementation of the selection plan. The study found that the main factors for the smooth operation of oversea Chinese-language teacher selection mode include: the governments of Taiwan and Vietnam signed an educational cooperation agreement to jointly support Chinese-language teaching cooperation; the educational institutions both of Taiwan and Vietnam and the Chinese-language teachers signed a teaching cooperation contract with each other to clearly define the tasks of cooperation between the parties; the Education Division of TECO regularly consulted with Vietnamese universities and colleges for the demand of Chinese-language teachers, the number of teacher selected therefore can be expanded year by year; Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages integrates the demand for Vietnamese schools, jointly selects teachers, provides sufficient teaching opportunities; pre-departure training courses for Chinese-language teachers to strengthen teachers' ability to adapt to teaching and living abroad; the governments of both sides assist teachers in obtaining working visas and provide teachers with legal residency status in Vietnam. The study also found that there are still some shortcomings in the current selection operations: the selection mode fails to output Taiwanese Chinese-language textbooks at the same time, which makes teachers' teaching characteristics difficult to perform; the number of teachers output lacks overall planning and configuration, and the number of teachers sent each year changes frequently; the object of selection ignores professional training qualifications, which is not conducive to the long-term development of university Chinese-language teacher training; limiting the duration of teaching abroad has reduced the willingness of outstanding teachers to teach in harder countries. These are all ways in which the mode of selection can be enhanced.



新南向政策, 華語文教師, 選送模式, 行前培訓課程, New Southbound Policy, Chinese-language Teacher, the Mode of Selection, Pre-departure Training Courses





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