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創造力與問題解決能力是未來教育發展的趨勢,也是我國教育改革的重點。教育部於2002年公布「創造力白皮書」,揭示創造力在未來世界的重要性之後,創造思考教學的相關研究便開始蓬勃發展。過往的研究只將創造思考教學融入各學習主科,其主要目的在於提升學生的學業成就,其次才是創造力的增進提升,故本研究設計將創造思考教學融入桌上遊戲,其目的為運用桌遊寓教於樂的特性,提升學生的學習動機,並在遊戲的氛圍裡實際運用所學到的創造思考技法,發揮創造力和想像力,激發高層次思考,藉以提升學生的創造力與問題解決能力。本研究採用準實驗法不等組前後測設計,研究對象為台北市某國中的七年級學生共84名,其中包含實驗組29名、對照組29名與控制組26名,研究工具採用「陶倫斯創造思考測驗圖形版」、「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」與「新編問題解決測驗」。實驗組接受為期5週,每週1節課(45分鐘)之創造思考教學融入桌遊課程;對照組進行5週的桌遊課程,不另外融入創造思考教學;控制組則為體育性社團之學生,不進行相關課程。研究統計方法採用單因子共變數分析,探討創造思考教學融入桌遊對國中生的創造力與問題解決能力之影響。本研究結果如下:(一)實驗組的「獨創性」、「精密性」與「開放性」顯著高於對照組與控制組,「流暢性」無顯著差異;(二)對照組與控制組的「冒險心」顯著高於實驗組,其餘創造傾向指標無顯著差異;(三)實驗組的「界定原因」、「解決問題」、「預防問題」、「變通性」與「有效性」顯著高於對照組,對照組又高於控制組。從上述研究結果,可得出以下結論:(一)不論是否融入創造思考教學,只要進行桌遊課程即可提升學生的創造力;(二)進行創造思考教學融入桌遊課程後,對提升學生的創造傾向沒有顯著的提升效果;「冒險心」的後測成績則是比未接受課程的學生還要低;(三)進行創造思考教學融入桌遊課程的實驗組,其問題解決能力顯著高於對照組與控制組。 最後,研究者根據研究結果進行討論,並針對創造思考教學融入桌遊在未來研究及教學實務上提出相關建議。
This study aims to enhance the creativity and the problem solving ability of junior high school students by teaching creative thinking integrated with board games. How to teach creativity and problem solving ability is a crucial concept in the future. However, recent reaserch focus mainly on how to intergrat creative thinking into major subjects such as Chinesee, Math, History, and so on. But these studies were aimed to enhanced learning effects on academic performances, not on creativity and problem solving ability. This study intergratd creativity thinking teaching into board games, using educational attributes of board game, trying to improve students' learning motivation, and practical use of the creative thinking skills learned in the games, exert creativity and imagination, and stimulate high-level thinking, so therefore to enhanced students' creativity and problem-solving ability. This study employed the nonequivalent pretest-posttest designs and selected three class with 28 students each, from a junior high school in Taipei City as the experimental group (creativity thinking teaching intergrate into borad game club) and two control groups (general borad game club and sport club). The teaching processes last for 5 weeks, after which the statistical method of analysis of convariance was used to investigate the effects of intergrated creative thinking teaching into board games on students’ performance. The research results showed that: (1)Regardless of whether the class is integrated into the teaching of creative thinking, the board game course can enhance the creativity of students; (2)The experimental group showed no significant results than the two control groups in denpdent variales of creative tendency, “adventurous” score is lower than the other two groups; (3)Intergrated creative thinking into board game course can significantly enhance the problem sovling ability of student.



桌上遊戲, 創造思考教學, 創造力, 創造傾向, 問題解決能力, board games, creative thinking teaching, creativity, creative tendency, problem solving ability





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