一位飛行員從成長階段、空難救援談被助與助人歷程中的生命故事: 對災難救援的獻身與反思

dc.contributor.authorChung-Yu Chiuen_US
dc.description.abstract研究目的:鑒於21世紀是終身學習的世紀,強調社區意識與發展的現代社會,需更有效地讓個人從自我成長需求的私領域,進入連結對社區環境和居民的關懷,而志工在這個部份就扮演十分重要的角色及功能,本項研究目的:1.透過一位飛行員成長階段、空難救援被助與助人的生命故事,揭示他對災難救援重要的心路歷程2.藉由解析希望能提供參與志工服務的讀者及高齡者作為助人的另一種視域。 研究方法:本研究對象為曾擔任飛行員的一位慈濟志工邱垂宇先生(邱先生為研究者之父親),他已屆七十七歲,仍然積極致力機場空難緊急應變的救援規劃。以敘事研究方法進行深度訪談四次,請父親敘說其從成長階段、空難救援及其被助與助人的生命故事,並將其敘說錄音,謄寫成逐字稿,再由研究者將文本透過分析、分類及歸納過去父親成長歲月的重要關鍵事件,藉以瞭解形塑其生命脈絡中參與救災與助人的相關影響。 研究結果:經歸納,依父親歷時性生命故事的開展,分為四階段的救援及助人相關經驗,包括:「滋育茁壯」階段,讓處於物質匱乏兒童期的父親,接受在友愛、善待、互助的環境,滋養父親的仁愛之心。「海鷗遨宇」進入軍旅飛行領域之後在各任務承擔中,體會無常和見識長官對部屬關懷的領導風格,內化成長了無私助人的力量。「歷劫歸來」身歷空難現場及參與救援,觸發父親投入救災機制規劃的勇氣與行動。「慈願薪傳」力行實踐救難資源的匯集整合,將慈濟團隊融入機場救援動員系統,以及後來父親投身志工的快樂奉獻。 結論:透過敘事的分析以及作者的理解,發現:1.父親生命重要事件反映個人建構、助人價值和生命意義2.從父親助人價值揭示研究者對助人觀念的領悟3.從父親經驗談對於其個人、救難者和社會層面的意義4.以父親老年階段發展來思維高齡者社會參與助人的意義。最後本研究亦提出建議,期待從父親的故事呼應助人的實踐可透過家庭教育、社區教育、工作參與、志工服務中彰顯與投入,並希望讀者能將父親的生命故事作為自身助人的參照與回應。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractResearch purpose: In view of the fact that the 21st century is the lifelong learning Century. Facing new challenges of the modern era, a vital society would require not only its people to continuously advance in his/her field, but also efficient integration and interactions among its institutions. In this regard, volunteers from charity organizations could play a very important role. The aims of this study were: 1. Through a pilot’s life story about helping people from his growth stage and the aircraft crash rescue experiences to reveal the importance of affective-volition and action in his helping process. 2. From categorized the narrating data hope to offer new perspectives for all volunteers or elder people when devoting their help. Methods: This thesis is the result of a study on my beloved father Mr.Chui-Yu Chiu, a volunteer of Tzu-Chi Foundation, who at advanced age of 77 still actively involves in planning and implementing response programs in the event of emergency flight accidents. By conducting interviews with my father 4 times, I have been able to verbatim, analyze the experiences and set at different stages of his life, and to trace the roots and found out why and how he devote himself to helping others even in the latter stage of his life. Results: From categorized the narrating data we found four meaningful stages from father can represent his construing life in help. The four stages were: Stage 1, nurturing environment could bring personal growth in childhood. Stage 2, mentoring from air force built up personal strength regardless of emergency in adulthood. Stage 3, experiencing of aircraft crash initiated personal courage and participated the comprehensive and integrated programs of rescuing. Stage 4, attends Tzu-Chi Foundation father deliveries the spirit of help continuously including he joined the community and government agencies to set a well developed disaster rescuing system and he is a happy volunteer now. Conclusions: There are the findings from this study: 1. My father’s enthusiasm in helping others, from his own personality, appears to through numerous events that he personally involved in his life. 2. Through these events, to comprehend the constantly unconditionally offering of the concept of my father. 3. Through these experiences, make the individual, the rescuers, to understand the contribution to the society. 4. Through my father’s elderly experiences, to efficiently provide all elder people to devote their time and effort to help others through various social activities. The researcher would like to suggest, based on the findings of this study, that assistance provider programs in our society should begin with proper education of individuals in families, schools and communities, practiced through the systems involving proper work forces, and very importantly, to include participation of volunteers from charity organizations.en_US
dc.subjectlife storiesen_US
dc.subjectcritical incidence managementen_US
dc.title一位飛行員從成長階段、空難救援談被助與助人歷程中的生命故事: 對災難救援的獻身與反思zh_TW
dc.titleA pilot’s life story from being help to helping people:A reflection and dedication on air disaster rescueen_US

