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現代漢語中動詞與介詞的界線模糊,因此本文在進行對象介詞的探討以前,藉由各語言學家在語法形式、語義與語用上的研究,看他們如何界定介詞,並且如何分類動詞與介詞,因為漢語的介詞多是由動詞語法化而來,因此許多介詞也是動、介兼類詞。以及他們對於介詞如何分出次類,這樣的分類存在著什麼樣的問題。 另外,我們也希望從語言類型學來看世界語言大致分為幾種類型,如漢語是孤立語、日語是黏著語等,來瞭解學生是否有介詞的概念,再以認知語言學中的意象圖式理論、格語法等來探討介詞的分類,釐清到底什麼是「對象」,而非「目標」,也就是:哪些才是「對象介詞」,解決第二章中所提出的介詞分類的問題。 之後我們即以「跟、對、給」做為對象介詞的探討標的,因為在第三章中我們提的意象圖式包括了客體在真實世界中移動的方式,「跟」可能是單向,亦可是雙向,因此還發展出連詞的用法;「對」及「給」單向,可是「給」的語法形式複雜,本章探討此三者之間的重疊性、關連性及差異性為何。 第五章及根據筆者所收集的學生病句加以分析,以期利用這些數據來發現不同語言類型學生學習上的困難點。並在第六章中提出一些結論、教學建議,期能為往後的漢語教學提供一些方向及服務。並提出本文所受到的限制級所需要改進之處,希望能在未來看到更多的相關研究。
A clear distinction between verbs and prepositions in modern Mandarin remains elusive. Before discussing goal prepositions, this paper examines how prepositions have been defined in studies relating to morphology, semantics, and pragmatics, as well as how words are classified as either prepositions or verbs. Since most Chinese prepositions are the product of the grammaticalization of verbs, most Chinese prepositions can also function as verbs. Problems concerning the subclassification of prepositions are also examined. Linguistic typology, according to which Chinese is classified as an isolating language and Japanese an agglutinative language, helps determine whether students can grasp the concept of a preposition. Then image schema as put forth in cognitive linguistics, and case grammar are used in discussing the classification of prepositions. The goal is to distinguish 「對象」 from 「目標」, so that the goal prepositions can be identified, thereby answering the problem of classifying prepositions, raised in Chapter 2. gen, dui, and gei are treated as goal prepositions in Chapter 3 because the im age schema include the motion of real-world objects real-world objects. gen can be either monodirectional or bidirectional. Thus, its usage is that of a conjunction. Of the unidirectional dui and gei, the morphology of gei is more complex. Points of overlap, correlativity, and discrepancy among these three prepositions are discussed in Chapter 3. Problem sentences recorded by the author are analyzed in Chapter 5. The data are used to determine areas of difficulty for individual students, based on how the students’ native languages are classified in language typology. Conclusions and teaching pedagogy are presented in Chapter 6 to serve as a Chinese teaching reference. Limitations of this study and areas for improvement are also specified for future studies to address.



介詞, 對象介詞, 認知語言學, 格語法, , , , 偏誤分析, preposition, goal preposition, cognitive linguistics, case grammar, gen, dui, gei, error analysis





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