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本文旨在了解靈性經驗對生涯決定影響之歷程與改變。本研究透過六位研究參與者,每位2次,每次2-3小時之深度質性訪談,以敘說研究中「整體-內容」及「類別-內容」進行分析。 研究者綜整六位研究參與者生命故事之主要情節,分析出研究參與者靈性經驗對生涯決定影響之歷程,有六項重要過程,包括:一、自我困頓經驗,追尋靈性動力;二、靈性啟蒙接觸,建立靈性路徑;三、靈性深化經驗,自我臣服靈性;四、生涯決定領受,實現生命意義;五、生涯困境顯現,靈性力量支持;六、生涯決定實踐,生活層面改變。 研究參與者在實踐靈性經驗之生涯決定共同改變,包括:一、人與靈性(一)無條件愛、全然接納;(二)信任靈性、和諧合一;(三)靈性主體、生活中心;二、人與自己(一)接納自己、充滿感恩;(二)轉化困頓、活出自己;(三)放下自我、交託靈性;三、人與工作(一)工作本身,就是滿足;(二)實踐決定、創造意義;(三)工作能力,游刃有餘;四、人與他人(伴侶、家庭、朋友及社會);(一)建立關係、社群支持;(二)相處尊重,正向改變;(三)無私付出,助人利他。 此外,研究者根據研究參與者之敘說,分析出六項靈性經驗之生涯決定特色及8字模型,包括:一、建立靈性路徑,領受生涯決定;二、生涯決定顯現,多元豐富形式;三、生涯決定非單一,連續反應為歷程;四、生涯決定引領,發揮個人天賦;五、生涯決定影響,發揚無私利他;六、靈性經驗與生涯決定相互循環之8字模型。 研究者一併就靈性經驗生涯決定與「個體化歷程」、「同時性現象」及「心理位移」之相關性進行討論。最後,對研究限制、未來研究、教育及諮商實務工作者及欲實踐靈性經驗生涯決定者提出相關建議。
The purpose of this paper is to understand the effect of spiritual experience on career decision process and change. This study through the six study participants, each 2 times, each time 2-3 hours, the depth of qualitative interviews, in narrative study "as a whole - content" and "categories - content" is analyzed. The researcher use the six research participants’ the whole life story of the main plot and analyze the effect of study participants’ spiritual experience on career decision process. There are six important parts, including: 1. self difficult experience, to pursue the spiritual motivation; 2.the spiritual enlightenment contact, establish a spiritual path; 3. the deepening of the spiritual experience, self surrender spirit; 4. career decision to receive, realize the meaning of life; 5. career difficulties appeared, spiritual support; 6.career decision practice and the life level change. Study participants in practice the spiritual experience of the career decision have common change, including: 1.man and the spiritual (a) an unconditional love, completely accepted; (b) trust spirit, harmonious unity; (c) the spirit is life center; 2. man and himself (a) accepting yourself, full of gratitude; (b) transformation difficult, live out myself. (c) to lay down their self, entrusted to spirit; 3. man and work (a) the work itself, is to satisfy; (b) practice decision, create meaning; (c) have the enough ability to work; 4, man and others (partner, family, friends and society); (a) build relationships and community support; (b) get along with respect, positive change; (c) the dedication, help others altruism. In addition, the researchers according to the research participants of the narrative, analyze six characteristics and eight model about spiritual experience of career decision, including: 1.to set up the spiritual path, receive career decisions; 2. the career decision appeared, rich in diverse forms; 3. career decision, not a single, continuous reaction for the course; 4. career decision to lead, develop individual talent; 5. the career decision, carry forward the selfless altruism; 6. spiritual experience and career decision of eight models of cycle. The researcher as spiritual experience career decisions discussed the correlation between "individual experience", "simultaneous phenomenon", and “psychological displacement”. Finally, the researcher have suggestions about the research limitation, future research, education, counseling practice workers and people who want to practice the spiritual experience career decision.



靈性經驗, 生涯決定, spiritual experience, career decision





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