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本研究採用臺灣「中文詞彙特性速描系統」(Chinese Word Sketch Engine)以及「聯合知識庫」(UDN Data)之語料,蒐集含有「而且」、「並且」的語料各300筆,一共600筆語料進行分析研究。基於前人的研究,深入探討這兩個詞的語義特徵,並分析兩者篇章功能的異與同。
This thesis adopts the theoretical framework of Halliday’s metafunction, which includes ideational, textual, and interpersonal functions. With empirical data collected, we inspects the semantic and discourse aspects of two Chinese connectors – “erqie” and ”bingqie”. Moreover, the findings are applied for pedagogical purposes. Substantiated by empirical corpus, this research examined 600 tokens of data from two major corpora in Taiwan, in which 400 tokens were collected from Chinese Work Sketch Engine and 200 tokens from UDN Data. Based on former studies related to “erqie” and “bingqie”, this study further explored the semantic features between “erqie” and “bingqie” and differentiated them in discourse function. First, at the semantic level, “erqie” and “bingqie” both possess semantic features of “increment” and “coordination”. However, “erqie” primarily indicates ”incremental relation” while “bingqie” primarily expresses “coordinative relation” Moreover, the essential semantic difference between “erqie” and “bingqie” is that “bingqie” can also express a “temporal sequencing relation” of two coordinative clauses or phrases. Addtionally, “erqie” has the semantic features of “state” and “realis (actualization)”, while the semantic features of “bingqie” are “dynamics” and “realis (actualization)”. In terms of the discourse level, “bingqie” has a smaller scope and usually serves as local link to connect lexical, phrasal or clausal units. On the other hand, “Erqie” has a larger scope and can serve as global link not only to connect words and phrases but also sentences and paragraphs. As for the semantic reduction in these two conjunctions, “erqie” has displayed more grammaticalization, while “bingqie” has undergone less of it. Additionally, all use of “bingqie” in this study serves as a logical connector. In contrast, some instances of “erqie”appear to function as a discourse marker or a conversational strategy, such as to change topic, initiate a new topic, or resume an old topic. Finally, we compared and differentiate “bingqie” and “erqie” in terms of their coherence at the discourse level. Lastly, in applying results of the findings in this thesis for pedagogical purposes, we reviewed four Chinese textbooks widely used in Taiwan. Moreover, some pedagogical implications are further provided.
This thesis adopts the theoretical framework of Halliday’s metafunction, which includes ideational, textual, and interpersonal functions. With empirical data collected, we inspects the semantic and discourse aspects of two Chinese connectors – “erqie” and ”bingqie”. Moreover, the findings are applied for pedagogical purposes. Substantiated by empirical corpus, this research examined 600 tokens of data from two major corpora in Taiwan, in which 400 tokens were collected from Chinese Work Sketch Engine and 200 tokens from UDN Data. Based on former studies related to “erqie” and “bingqie”, this study further explored the semantic features between “erqie” and “bingqie” and differentiated them in discourse function. First, at the semantic level, “erqie” and “bingqie” both possess semantic features of “increment” and “coordination”. However, “erqie” primarily indicates ”incremental relation” while “bingqie” primarily expresses “coordinative relation” Moreover, the essential semantic difference between “erqie” and “bingqie” is that “bingqie” can also express a “temporal sequencing relation” of two coordinative clauses or phrases. Addtionally, “erqie” has the semantic features of “state” and “realis (actualization)”, while the semantic features of “bingqie” are “dynamics” and “realis (actualization)”. In terms of the discourse level, “bingqie” has a smaller scope and usually serves as local link to connect lexical, phrasal or clausal units. On the other hand, “Erqie” has a larger scope and can serve as global link not only to connect words and phrases but also sentences and paragraphs. As for the semantic reduction in these two conjunctions, “erqie” has displayed more grammaticalization, while “bingqie” has undergone less of it. Additionally, all use of “bingqie” in this study serves as a logical connector. In contrast, some instances of “erqie”appear to function as a discourse marker or a conversational strategy, such as to change topic, initiate a new topic, or resume an old topic. Finally, we compared and differentiate “bingqie” and “erqie” in terms of their coherence at the discourse level. Lastly, in applying results of the findings in this thesis for pedagogical purposes, we reviewed four Chinese textbooks widely used in Taiwan. Moreover, some pedagogical implications are further provided.
連詞, 語義特徵, 動態/靜態, 範距, 局部連接, 整體連接, 語法化, 語義弱化, 語義連貫, conjunctions, semantic features, state vs. dynamics, scope, local link, global link, semantic reduction, grammaticalization, coherence