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瑞夫.沃恩威廉斯 (Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958) 自幼展現音樂天份,受印象風格與浪漫主義影響,作品多元豐富、呈現英國本土特色,加上民歌採集的累積,其成熟期作品大量融入民歌元素,除藝術歌曲創作外,器樂作品也明顯可見。《雲雀高飛》(The Lark Ascending) 正是融合了民謠特色及印象樂派作曲技巧而產出,採用民樂風格,作曲手法結合英國民族與沃恩威廉斯個人特色,此曲氣氛縹緲抒情、英國民謠風格濃厚,為二十世紀小提琴經典代表作品之一。 本研究論文共有三章。第一章分成兩個部分,第一部分為作曲家生平,探討作曲風格與特色,著重描述作曲家創作《雲雀高飛》前後之生平,意即其前期至成熟期的作曲生涯,後期則簡要概述。第二部份針對《雲雀高飛》剖析作品創作背景,作品標題、詩文與音樂本身關係,樂譜編制以及作品首演情況。第二、三章為樂曲分析及演奏探討,針對樂譜分析樂句、和聲、作曲手法,以及演奏法與弓法、指法的探討。
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) was initiated into music at an early age, and demonstrated a remarkable aptitude. Influenced by Impressionism and Romanticism, his compositions showcase the richness, diversity, and unique characteristics of English culture. In addition, due to his accumulation of folk songs, his mature works incorporated a substantial number of folk song elements, which can be observed not only in his lieder but also in his instrumental compositions."The Lark Ascending" represents a synthesis of folk music and impressionistic compositional techniques. With its lyrical, ethereal atmosphere and strong English folk style, it could be considered one of the greatest violin compositions of classical music in the 20th century. This thesis consists of three chapters. The opening chapter is divided into two parts. The first part presents a biography of the composer, exploring the style and characteristics of the composition. The second part exploresthe background of"The Lark Ascending". The second chapter is an analysis of the piece. The final chapter is a discussion of performance. The author focuses on the notes, terminology, and dynamics written by the composer, explains in detail what kind of articulation should be used.



沃恩威廉斯, 雲雀高飛, 小提琴, Ralph Vaughan Williams, The Lark Ascending, violin





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