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本研究旨在探討不同年齡之學齡前幼兒在推論理解類型的發展,參考Filiatrault-Veilleux 等人(2015b, 2016)的架構,將推論理解類型分為:事件問題(Problem)、內在反應(Internal response)、角色的目標(Goal of the character)、嘗試解決問題(Attempts to solve the problem)、預測(Prediction)和解決問題(Resolution),共六種。研究方法採橫斷研究法,研究對象為以雙北地區及臺東地區共160名幼兒,依據幼兒年齡分為小班、中班、大班三組。本研究以對話式閱讀(dialogic reading)的方式,讓幼兒聆聽符合故事語法(story grammar)結構的故事,並蒐集幼兒推論理解的資料。研究工具採自編的「幼兒推論理解測驗」。以二因子混合設計 MANOVA 探究不同年齡、不同性別幼兒在兩個不同故事版本中各推論理解類型的得分差異;以二因子混合設計 ANOVA 分析不同年齡、不同性別幼兒在兩個不同故事版本中反應品質的差異。研究結果主要如下:
第二,不同年齡幼兒在不同故事版本的推論理解問題反應品質有顯著不同。反應品質最佳的級別A而言,次數百分比隨著年齡增加;以反應品質最差的級別 D 而言,次數百分比隨著年齡降低。總之,幼兒對於推論問題的反應品質隨著年齡發展越來越好。
The purpose of this research was to explore the development of preschool children’s inferential comprehension. One hundred and sixty preschool children were recruited and divided into 3 groups based on their age. The cross-sectional research design was chosen. The categorical framework of inferential comprehension developed by Filiatrault-Veilleux et al. (2015b, 2016) was adopted. Six inference types were assessed, including Problem, Internal response, Goal of the character, Attempts to solve the problem, Prediction, and Resolution. Two narratives developed by story grammar were used. This study adopted dialogic reading method and" Children's Inference Comprehension Test " to assess preschool children’s performance on different types of inferential comprehension. The major findings were as follows. First, the scores of six inference types increased with age; whereas the standard deviation decreased with age. In addition, preschool children's performance on different inference types were influenced by the content of narratives. If the content of narratives was familiar to preschool children or was close to preschoolers' exprerience, then they could perform very well even on difficult types of inference. Second, regarding the quality of responses, the youngest groups produced significantly fewer expected responses than the oldest groups. On the contrary, the oldest groups produced significantly fewer "inadequate or off topic" responses than the youngest groups. In other words, the quality of responses increased with age. Third, there was no gender differences on inferential comprehension of preschoolers. However, this study found different version of narratives did influence preschoolers' performance of inferential comprehension. Fourth, there was no gender differences on quality of responses for preschoolers. As a whole, the inferential comprehension abilities of preschoolers increased with age and there was no gender difference. The content of narratives could influence preschoolers' performance of inferential comprehension. Suggestions for educational application and future research were proposed based on the results of this research.
The purpose of this research was to explore the development of preschool children’s inferential comprehension. One hundred and sixty preschool children were recruited and divided into 3 groups based on their age. The cross-sectional research design was chosen. The categorical framework of inferential comprehension developed by Filiatrault-Veilleux et al. (2015b, 2016) was adopted. Six inference types were assessed, including Problem, Internal response, Goal of the character, Attempts to solve the problem, Prediction, and Resolution. Two narratives developed by story grammar were used. This study adopted dialogic reading method and" Children's Inference Comprehension Test " to assess preschool children’s performance on different types of inferential comprehension. The major findings were as follows. First, the scores of six inference types increased with age; whereas the standard deviation decreased with age. In addition, preschool children's performance on different inference types were influenced by the content of narratives. If the content of narratives was familiar to preschool children or was close to preschoolers' exprerience, then they could perform very well even on difficult types of inference. Second, regarding the quality of responses, the youngest groups produced significantly fewer expected responses than the oldest groups. On the contrary, the oldest groups produced significantly fewer "inadequate or off topic" responses than the youngest groups. In other words, the quality of responses increased with age. Third, there was no gender differences on inferential comprehension of preschoolers. However, this study found different version of narratives did influence preschoolers' performance of inferential comprehension. Fourth, there was no gender differences on quality of responses for preschoolers. As a whole, the inferential comprehension abilities of preschoolers increased with age and there was no gender difference. The content of narratives could influence preschoolers' performance of inferential comprehension. Suggestions for educational application and future research were proposed based on the results of this research.
故事語法, 推論理解類型, 對話式閱讀, 橫斷研究法, 學齡前幼兒, story grammar, inferential comprehension types, dialogic reading, cross-sectional research design, preschoolers