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本研究旨在探討不同背景變項的國中生在所知覺之家庭教養態度、自我效能與情緒智能之間的差異與關係,研究過程採用分層隨機抽樣方法,以調查研究法進行問卷資料收集,共抽取臺北縣、市共9所公立國中(含完全中學國中部)七、八、九年級男女學生,有效樣本共800人(男生共404人,女生共396人)。研究工具包括「家庭教養態度量表」、「青少年多向度自我效能量表」及「中學生情緒智能量表」。所得資料以獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與典型相關分析等統計方法進行處理,研究結果如下:
The purpose of the research is to explore the differences and relations among parents’ rearing attitudes perceived by junior high school students, their self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence of students with different background variables. Stratified random sampling was adopted in the research, and a survey study was conducted to collect data from the questionnaires. Seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students from nine public schools in Taipei City and Taipei County (including junior high school students from complete secondary schools) were sampled. There are 800 effective samples (404 boys and 396 girls). The tools of the research include “Inventory of Parents’ Rearing Attitudes”, “Adolescent Multi-Domain Self-Efficacy Scale”, and “High School Students’ Inventory of Emotional Intelligence”. Data retrieved were analyzed with statistic methods like independent samples t-test, one-way multivariate analysis of variance, Pearson Product-Moment correlation, and canonical correlation analysis, etc. The results are as follows: 1.There is a significant difference between junior high school students of different genders in self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. There is no significant difference between genders in parents’ rearing attitudes perceived. 2.There are significant differences in parents’ rearing attitudes perceived, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence of junior high school students from different grades. 3.There are significant differences in parents’ rearing attitudes perceived by students and their self-efficacy for students of different birth orders. There is no significant difference in emotional intelligence for students of different birth orders. 4.There is a significant positive correlation between parents’ rearing attitudes perceived by junior high school students and their self-efficacy. Parents’ rearing attitude can be used to predict self-efficacy. There are two canonical factors between these two. 5.There is a significant correlation between parents’ rearing attitudes perceived by junior high school students and their emotional intelligence. Parents’ rearing attitude can be used to predict emotional intelligence. There are two canonical factors between these two. 6.There is a significant correlation between junior high school students’ self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. Self-efficacy can be used to predict emotional intelligence. There are two canonical factors between these two. Finally, the researcher had a discussion based on the results of the research, and offered specific suggestions for the reference of the practice of guidance for junior high school students and future researches.
The purpose of the research is to explore the differences and relations among parents’ rearing attitudes perceived by junior high school students, their self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence of students with different background variables. Stratified random sampling was adopted in the research, and a survey study was conducted to collect data from the questionnaires. Seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students from nine public schools in Taipei City and Taipei County (including junior high school students from complete secondary schools) were sampled. There are 800 effective samples (404 boys and 396 girls). The tools of the research include “Inventory of Parents’ Rearing Attitudes”, “Adolescent Multi-Domain Self-Efficacy Scale”, and “High School Students’ Inventory of Emotional Intelligence”. Data retrieved were analyzed with statistic methods like independent samples t-test, one-way multivariate analysis of variance, Pearson Product-Moment correlation, and canonical correlation analysis, etc. The results are as follows: 1.There is a significant difference between junior high school students of different genders in self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. There is no significant difference between genders in parents’ rearing attitudes perceived. 2.There are significant differences in parents’ rearing attitudes perceived, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence of junior high school students from different grades. 3.There are significant differences in parents’ rearing attitudes perceived by students and their self-efficacy for students of different birth orders. There is no significant difference in emotional intelligence for students of different birth orders. 4.There is a significant positive correlation between parents’ rearing attitudes perceived by junior high school students and their self-efficacy. Parents’ rearing attitude can be used to predict self-efficacy. There are two canonical factors between these two. 5.There is a significant correlation between parents’ rearing attitudes perceived by junior high school students and their emotional intelligence. Parents’ rearing attitude can be used to predict emotional intelligence. There are two canonical factors between these two. 6.There is a significant correlation between junior high school students’ self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. Self-efficacy can be used to predict emotional intelligence. There are two canonical factors between these two. Finally, the researcher had a discussion based on the results of the research, and offered specific suggestions for the reference of the practice of guidance for junior high school students and future researches.
家庭教養態度, 自我效能, 情緒智能, parents’ rearing attitude, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence