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摘 要 本研究旨在探討高齡者退休生涯規劃與活躍老化之關係,藉由問卷 調查彙整資料並分析,以隨意叢集抽樣,共取得台北市基督長老教會松年大 學學員335份有效樣本。所得量化資料採取描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、 單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析以及多元迴歸進行統計分析。研究 結果如下: 一、本研究的高齡者以 75-84 歲,女性,高中職,家管,夫妻、子女同住居多,健康狀況好,宗教信仰以東方宗教(佛教、道教、一貫道)為多,退休後主要經濟來源為儲蓄利息,經濟狀況是大致夠用,學習參與時間為10年以上居多。 二、高齡者在退休生涯規劃程度屬於中上,傾向於積極。 三、高齡者的活躍老化相當良好。 四、退休生涯規劃上研究對象在「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「健康狀況」、「宗教信仰」、「學習參與時間」有顯著差異。 五、活躍老化上研究對象在「健康狀況」、「宗教信仰」、「學習參與時間」有顯著差異。 六、高齡者退休生涯規劃與活躍老化具有顯著的正相關。 七、高齡者退休生涯規劃能有效預測活躍老化。 根據上述研究結果,本研究分別對高齡者、教育行政單位及未來研究提出建議,以供參考。 關鍵詞:高齡者、退休生涯規畫、活躍老化
Abstract This study aimed to investigate the relationship between retirement career planning and active ageing of the elder learners who studied in senior university of Taipei Presbyterian church. In order to approach the research purpose above, the research is conducted by questionnaire investigation, listed the questionnaire of retirement career planning and the active ageing with elder learners by documentary analysis. There were 335 questionnaires in the valid samples. The data are collected and statistically analyzed. The random cluster sampling was designed. There are several conclusions as bellow: 1. In this study, elderly people 75-84 years old, female, high school level, housewifes, couple live with their children, mostly good state of health, religious belief in Eastern religions (Buddhism, Taoism, I-Kuan Tao) as much, the main source of retirement interest on deposits, the economic situation is generally good enough learning time is involved in more than 10 years in the majority. 2. The level of elders' retirement career planning was ranked mid-high. 3. The level of elders' active ageing was ranked mid-high. 4. Five (including: age, marital status, health, religious belief and participate in study time) out of eleven background variables were significantly differences to retirement career planning of elder learners. 5. Three (including: health, religious belief and participate in study time) out of eleven background variables were significantly differences to active ageing of elder learners. 6. The retirement career planning was significantly related to active ageing. 7. The active ageing of elder learners could be predicted by the way of retirement career planning. According to the above conclusions, the research provides some suggestions for elder learners、the government agencies and the education organization for elder learners and the future study.



高齡者, 退休生涯規劃, 活躍老化, elderly, retirement career planning, active ageing





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