
dc.contributorChin-Nien Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要在探討台灣大學學生對我國大學甄選入學制度之看法,並進一步 探究台灣大學甄選入學學生之學習成就情形。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,學業成績分析法為輔,研究工具為自編之「我國大學甄選入學制度及其學生學習成就之探討問卷」,研究對象包括台灣大學學士班目前在學之甄選入學學生(學校推薦及個人申請)及一般生。問卷調查樣本排除未辦理甄選入學之學系後採隨機抽樣取得,並以網路調查方式進行,共有5920人上網填答。調查所得資料以SPSS for Windows11.0版進行統計分析,並獲得以下六項結論: 一、台灣大學之不同身分的學生均認為我國大學甄選入學制度之學校推薦不 能縮短城鄉入學差距。 二、台灣大學之不同身分學生均認同台灣大學所訂定之甄選入學推薦條件及 規定。 三、台灣大學之不同身分學生對校系認同感很高。 四、台灣大學之不同身分的學生對台灣大學的社團參與情形良好。 五、學生學業成績表現方面:學校推薦學生優於個人申請學生而個人申請學生又優於一般生,顯示學校推薦學生學業成績表現最好。而年級越高學校推薦學生學業成績表現越好。 六、台灣大學之不同身分的學生均認為在台灣大學生活適應情形良好。 本研究依上述結論分別對教育行政主管機關、大學院校與進一步研究等提出以下建議。 一、對教育行政主管機關之建議 研究發現甄選入學學生對我國甄選入學制度均採肯定之態度,其學習成就優於其他身分之學生,所以提高招生比例由百分之三十至百分之四十,將可以招收更多適才適性之學生。這種現象顯示多元入學方案中的兼顧學生選校、學校選才的自主性、促進學生適性發展。 二、對大學院校的建議 (一)學系在設定具體條件的要求時,應考慮高中各校情況。(二)建議學系放寬學科成績門檻限制。(三)「指定項目甄試」的設計、安排、流程應再改善。(四)大學校系能廣開推薦甄選之門,多提供學系及錄取名額,只要訂的條件合理,甄選方向正確,招到的學生必定優秀,且對該系的認同感必定強於聯考生。(五)各大學學系應提供更完整的資料,能將三年來的「指定項目甄選」內容、流程送至大考中心彙整,提供給高中參考。(六)大學校系應支援推薦錄取生的輔導。(七)各大學校系應提供最近三年來各學系甄選入學報名人數,每階段通過人數,供各高中參考。(八)各大學應瞭解口試之重要性。 三、進一步研究的建議 (一)研究對象方面:可以擴大研究對象,如高中學生等以蒐集更完整的資訊。(二)研究內容方面:以多元入學研究主題,探討實施多年之多元入學制度之良窳,以提出建議,供主其事者參考。(三)研究方法方面:可以採質量併用的方式,以蒐集更廣泛的資訊。(四)研究變項方面:可以將家長社經地位、高中畢業學校與地區等納入,以深入了解與學生學習成就之關係。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study was aimed to 1) discuss the opinions of undergraduate students in National Taiwan University on the system of college entrance via recommendation and screening; 2) discuss the learning results of undergraduate students admitted to National Taiwan University via recommendation and screening. The study employed survey research method, accompanied by academic score analysis. The population for the questionnaire samples included undergraduate students of National Taiwan University who were admitted via recommendation and screening (school recommendation and individual application) and regular students. The questionnaire was to be filled on the Internet and the subjects were randomly selected. A total of 5,920 students filled out the questionnaire. The questionnaire was not open to the departments that did not adopt the recommendation and screening system. The research tool was “Questionnaire on the System of College Entrance via Recommendation and Screening and the Learning Results of Students. The data were analyzed with SPSS for Windows 11.0. The findings are as the following: 1.Students of all statuses and both genders believe that the school recommendation in the system of college entrance via recommendation and screening is unable to close the gap between college admission in urban and rural areas. 2.Students of all statuses and both genders agree to the requirements and terms of recommendation stipulated by National Taiwan University. 3.Students of all statuses and both genders have strong identification with their departments. 4.Students of all statuses and both genders have fair level of participation in school organizations. 5.In terms of the academic performance, students with school recommendations perform superior to students with individual applications, and students with individual applications perform superior to regular students. It shows that students with school recommendations have the best academic performance. Of the students with school recommendations, senior grade students perform superior to junior grade students. 6.Students of all statuses and both genders think they adapt well in National Taiwan University. Based on the above results, some suggestions were offered as follows: 1.Suggestions to educational bureaus The study shows that undergraduate students admitted via recommendation and screening hold positive attitude toward the recommendation and screening system, and perform superior to students of other statuses academically. Therefore, increasing the admission ratio from 30% to 40% could recruit more students of suitable abilities. The phenomenon shows that the Multiple Entrances Program concerns the liberty of students in selecting colleges and colleges in selecting students, and thus promotes the suitable development of students. 2.Suggestions to colleges A. Departments should concern the conditions of high schools when specifying the requirements. B.Departments should lower the limit on academic score. C.The design, arrangement, and schedule of the “Specific Subject Screening” should be improved. D.Colleges should adopt the system of recommendation and screening and offer more numbers of enrollments. As long as the requirements are reasonable and the screening is on the right track, the students admitted to colleges would be excellent, and have stronger sense identification to their departments than the students admitted via college entrance exam do. E.Departments should provide more complete information, and submit the content and process of the “Specific Subject Screening” of the past three years to the College Entrance Examination Center so that the information could be compiled and provided as reference to high schools, thus, to reduce complains of the public. F.Departments should provide counseling to the students admitted via recommendation and screening. G.Departments should provide the data of the number of applicants and enrollments for recommendation and screening in the past three years as reference to high schools. H.Colleges should realize the importance of the oral exam. 3.Suggestions to future researches A. Research subjects The future researchers could expand the research subjects to collect more complete information and facilitate the promotion of the recommendation and screening system. B.Research topics The future researchers could extend the topic to multiple entrances and explore the advantages and disadvantages of the multiple entrances program, thus, to provide suggestions to the educational bureaus. C.Research methodology The future researchers could include field interviews or seminars to collect direct information. D.Research variables The future researchers could include departments, socio-economic status of students’ parents, students’ high school, and urban and rural areas, to further understand the relationships with students’ academic achievements.en_US
dc.subjectextracurricular activitiesen_US
dc.subjectmultiple entrancesen_US
dc.subjectadmission by recommendation and screeningen_US
dc.subjectadmission by recommendationen_US
dc.subjectadmission by applicationen_US
dc.subjectLearning Achievementen_US
dc.titleA study of the system of college entrance via recommendation and screening and the learning results of undergraduate students(using National Taiwan University as reference)en_US

