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本研究之主要目的是為探討台灣與紐西蘭父母的教養型態及教師與孩童互動策略對幼兒情緒調節能力之影響。為瞭解以上概念,本研究採用了Parenting Style and Dimension Questionnaire (PSDQ: Robinson et al, 1995)及Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC: Shields& Cicchetti, 1998),以台灣北、中、南三區及紐西蘭大奧克蘭地區三至六歲兒童與其父母與教師進行調查。其中,在台灣回收的有效問卷有253份,紐西蘭則有150份。此外,本研究亦分別觀察兩國共六間不同課室,共15位老師之教學情形,並對教師進行半結構式訪談。藉由積差相關,多元迴歸,單因子多變量變異數分析,質性分析等方式來瞭解問卷與訪談中所呈現之父母教養型態、教師互動策略與幼兒情緒調節之間的關係。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、整體而言,台灣與紐西蘭的父母均使用民主性教養型態居多。 二、民主式教養型態與幼兒正向情緒調節能力有正相關,而權威性與放任性教養型態則與負向情緒調節能力有正相關。 三、民主性教養方式能有效的預測幼兒的正向情緒調節能力。 四、課堂觀察結果發現紐西蘭的幼教課程大綱對照顧與強化幼兒情緒能力方面有完整規劃與方向,紐西蘭當地教育部亦有相關的刊物輔助教學。 最後,依據研究結果針對台灣目前進行的幼托整合計畫之教師與政策提出日後可參考之作法。
The emotion regulation of preschool children is widely hinged on the adult influences in their lives. Their parents and teachers have the power to promote or to harm their social/emotional competence development. Parenting styles and teacher-child interactions can also vary from different countries due to the cultural differences that exist. There was a research gap when it came to identifying the impact of parenting styles and teachers’ classroom interaction strategies with the emotion regulation of the child. The purpose of this mixed methodology study was to identify the effects of different parenting styles and teachers’ strategies in classroom interaction for emotion regulation development in 253 preschool children from Taiwan and 150 preschool children from New Zealand. The intent of the study is to compare the correlation between parenting styles and teachers’ act strategies on the child’s emotion regulation. The quantitative approach employed instruments to measure parenting style and emotion regulation scores. The qualitative approach involved classroom observations and interviews with the teachers. Both countries were revealed to implement an authoritative parenting style. However, findings from the study revealed that there was a significant difference between the parenting styles between Taiwan and New Zealand, as Taiwan had the higher tendency to implement this. However, there was a significant difference in the emotion regulation scores, as New Zealand preschoolers had a higher score, compared to Taiwan, despite the high authoritative parenting scores of Taiwanese parents. The study concluded that teachers’ act strategies in classroom interactions widely affected the emotion regulation of the child, as the emotion-centered curriculum that New Zealand implemented resulted in significant emotion regulation scores. Recommendations for Taiwan included professional development programs and workshops to develop a similar approach to classroom interaction.



父母教養型態, 情緒調節, 紐西蘭, parenting style, emotion regulation, New Zealand, Taiwan





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