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本論文旨在探究日治前期公學校教育時的家長觀點,日治時期之教育為臺灣新式教育起源,其教育制度規劃與實行影響深遠。有關日治時期之教育,在政策與制度、教學方法與課程內容、建築結構與教師形象等之研究上著作頗豐,卻未見有關家長觀點之探究。因此,本論文將著眼於公學校教育機制的家長意見,進行理解與分析。 本研究著重探究因歷史轉換而衝擊強烈的前期,前期可再細分為兩個階段,第一階段為1895年至1910年,為公學校教育初登場之草創時期;第二階段為1911年至1922年,公學校教育進入醞釀時期,逐漸取代書房教育。 本論文研究發現,日治前期的家長觀點與民族意識、儒家思想之影響有密切關係,包含回歸清朝之期望、對異民族的不信任、讀書與功名的聯結、固有之習俗;另外,也與家長背景對子女受教之考量、社會情勢之演變、學校設備、地理因素等有關,內容有家長知識與經濟水準差異對子女入學考量、清朝滅亡、日本國際地位上升、民族自決風潮、教室收容量、學校位置等。 本論文研究努力達成目標主要有二,第一,填補日治時期教育研究的空白之處:在家長選擇權日益受到重視的現代社會,時人須將家長觀點納入教育決策之考量,可參考過往家長觀點與教育工作者之因應方法,提供教育工作者與家長相關啟示,希望能協助現今臺灣教育改革順利推行。 其次,開展日治時期教育研究的視野:本文將日治時期的前期家長觀點進行釐清與探究,因而勾勒出家長觀點在當時教育領域的圖像與重要性,將有益於家長觀點在臺灣教育的發展。
In this thesis, the development of parental perspective in public school education during Japanese colonial period will be studied. The Japanese colonial education represents an origin of modern education in Taiwan. Its educational system planning and implementation has been impressively impacted on the current education. However, though with great resources on the studies of Japanese colonial education, there are rare studies focusing on the parents’ view in education. Therefore, this research will discuss the parents’ view during the Japanese colonial period in the public school education system. This thesis focuses on the earlier stage of Japanese occupation which was much greatly impacted due to the governing shift. Also the earlier stage can be subdivided into two phases. The first phase is the initial establishment stage of the public schools from 1895 to 1910. The second phase is the stage of the gradual development of the public schools which also gradually replacing the study of education from 1911 to 1922. This thesis found that the parental perspective of Japanese rule was closely influenced by some factors, such as Confucianism and national consciousness, including the expectation for the returning of the Qing Dynasty, the fear of the regime being converted again, the distrust in the foreign governors, the connection of studying and honor, inherent custom. And also by other factors, such as the parents’ background, the evolution of social situation, the school equipment, geography and other relevant factors, the contents of the parents knowledge and economic standards, Qing dynasty downfall, the rise of Japan's international status, the wave of national self-determination, classrooms income capacity, school location. The main contribution from this thesis is presented into two. Firstly, it fills in the gap of Japanese colonial education research. In the current society, parents’ right to schooling is gradually emphasized. So the educational policy decision-makers shall take parental perspective into consideration, with a reference to the historical views of parents, hoping to assist the conversion of educational reform in Taiwan currently and a smooth transformation from the transition period. Secondly, it expands the educational vision through Japanese colonial education studying. This thesis makes a clarification and a detailed research on the preliminary views of parents during the Japanese occupation, which further outlines an idea and importance of the parents’ perspective in education at that time, and will benefit the future education research in the development of parents’ perspective in Taiwan.



日治前期, 公學校, 家長觀點, 臺灣教育史, Japanese colonial period, public elementary school, parental perspectives, Taiwan educational history





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