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資本主義的全球化發展下,跨國企業對財務和經貿影響之外,跨國媒體對文化活動影響更是備受關注。跨國媒體在拓展全球媒體的市場,必須面對固有的文化以及早已存在的市場,與在地之間產生互動,採取適當的連結策略。對於跨國衛星電視頻道而言,採取在地化策略運用中之節目製作面向,「紀實娛樂」(nonfiction entertainment)頻道有別於其它境外頻道,即在地政府提供節目資金,並因在地政府單位引導介入與當地製作單位合作製作節目。
此類跨國合製為在地國家主動規劃的政策範圍,跨國衛星電視頻道與在地資本合作或衝突,形成「三合聯盟」(triple alliance)的架構,國家、跨國企業和當地資本互動關係主導了全球化發展的過程,其目標和利益不盡相同,導致一連串複雜的互動關係。
With development of capitalism globalization, in addition to the influence on finance and trade of the international corporation, transnational media influence on culture activities are more concerned. When transnational media expands its global market, it must face inherent culture and existing market, and how to interact with the locals by taking appropriate linking strategies. As for international satellite TV channels, " nonfiction entertainment" channels differs from other foreign channels by using localization strategy in the program production, which are subsidized by the local government and the local production companies to cooperate with nonfiction entertainment channels. This study focuses on Discovery Channel international co-production process since Discovery’s localization strategy and the characteristic to cooperate with local government and local companies, which result from different aspect of policy, economy and culture. Therefore this research regards triple alliance's structure as the foundation, and political economy and policy research as research orientation, discussing international co-production of global and local tripartite actors- the Discovery Channel, Government Information Office and Taiwan’s production company, whose action and influence on all stages of the process, including policy formulation, design frame and program production process. The study observes the interaction of these three actors, such as how local government interacts with Discovery Channel on contract signing, and on the payment process based on procurement law; however, program content and the program production process of Discovery channel and local media companies are not involved by Taiwan government. The interaction between local Government and Taiwan production companies starts in the proposal presentation and government policy is also taken into consideration .Moreover, Taiwan government makes sure local producers would join promotion activities as well as the discussion after the project closes to review the project execution. Discovery plays the role as the supervisor to monitor the budget, the progress, and get involved in every discussion until the program is fully produced. In the formation of tripartite relationship, transnational satellite channel is relatively dominant. Under globalization imbalance, the situation where Taiwan government stands and international media company’s abundant resource, either the local government or the local companies are both situated in a weak position. After the review on this transnational co-production mode, a single policy effectiveness indicator, interest protection on contracts and as the role to promote the development of local media industry, Taiwan government still needs to make progress.
With development of capitalism globalization, in addition to the influence on finance and trade of the international corporation, transnational media influence on culture activities are more concerned. When transnational media expands its global market, it must face inherent culture and existing market, and how to interact with the locals by taking appropriate linking strategies. As for international satellite TV channels, " nonfiction entertainment" channels differs from other foreign channels by using localization strategy in the program production, which are subsidized by the local government and the local production companies to cooperate with nonfiction entertainment channels. This study focuses on Discovery Channel international co-production process since Discovery’s localization strategy and the characteristic to cooperate with local government and local companies, which result from different aspect of policy, economy and culture. Therefore this research regards triple alliance's structure as the foundation, and political economy and policy research as research orientation, discussing international co-production of global and local tripartite actors- the Discovery Channel, Government Information Office and Taiwan’s production company, whose action and influence on all stages of the process, including policy formulation, design frame and program production process. The study observes the interaction of these three actors, such as how local government interacts with Discovery Channel on contract signing, and on the payment process based on procurement law; however, program content and the program production process of Discovery channel and local media companies are not involved by Taiwan government. The interaction between local Government and Taiwan production companies starts in the proposal presentation and government policy is also taken into consideration .Moreover, Taiwan government makes sure local producers would join promotion activities as well as the discussion after the project closes to review the project execution. Discovery plays the role as the supervisor to monitor the budget, the progress, and get involved in every discussion until the program is fully produced. In the formation of tripartite relationship, transnational satellite channel is relatively dominant. Under globalization imbalance, the situation where Taiwan government stands and international media company’s abundant resource, either the local government or the local companies are both situated in a weak position. After the review on this transnational co-production mode, a single policy effectiveness indicator, interest protection on contracts and as the role to promote the development of local media industry, Taiwan government still needs to make progress.
三合聯盟, 政策研究, 探索頻道, 跨國合製, triple alliance, policy research, Discovery Channel, international co-production