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對於二十世紀初期的管樂團發展,英國作曲家佛漢.威廉士(Vaughan Williams)與他的好朋友古斯塔夫.霍爾斯特(Gustav Holst)有極大的貢獻。在管樂團的聲響,編制以及作曲技法上,威廉士都展現了相當的創意,並運用於英國民謠的改編,奠定了之後管樂團的基礎。 《英國民謠組曲》(English Folk Song)創作於1923年,當時霍爾斯特的《為軍樂隊的第一組曲》(First Suite for Military Band)剛出版,以及英國對民謠採集和發揚運動,讓威廉士決定以嶄新的管樂團編制,和九首英國民謠的素材,創作這首組曲。曲子首演後廣受歡迎,並改編成管弦樂版,時至今日仍是管樂團音樂會中的常見曲目。 本研究針對《英國民謠組曲》之樂曲分析及指揮詮釋做深入探討,首先從作曲家生平及作曲風格、樂譜出版與版本演變等背景進行說明,再對樂曲之動機、主題及結構分析研究,解析這首樂曲。之後從指揮角度,對於樂曲呈現等該有的詮釋,樂團合奏訓練等實際操作面,用自身經驗所歸納的心得,與樂曲分析的結果,進行探討,期盼由此作品深入的研究,對於未來各式管樂作品之演奏詮釋有所貢獻。
For the development of wind band in 20th century, The English composer, Vaughan Williams and Gustav Holst have been a great contribution. Williams has showed his innovation in his composition and arrangement for wind band, these pieces have become the core-stone of wind band repertoire. The English Folk Song was written in 1923 when the First Suite by Holst had been published. Because of the campaign for collection English folk songs, Williams decided to use nine English folk songs to compose a suite for the new wind band instrumentation. After the premier this suite became popular and Williams arranged it to a orchestra version. Now it is a standard wind band repertoire. This thesis will analyze the English Folk Song Suite and discuss how to conduct this piece. First of all, the writer will illustrate the biography, musical style of Vaughan Williams, and compare the version of the scores. Secondly, the author will analyze the music and discuss the interpretation of the piece, how to conduct and rehearse. The purpose of the thesis is to provide some practical suggestions for the band conductors when they conduct this great music.



佛漢‧威廉士, 英國民謠組曲, 管樂團, Vaughan Williams, English Folk Song Suite, Wind Band





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