
dc.contributorLin Chen-Tsungen_US
dc.contributor.authorHou Li-Chuen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本研究旨在瞭解大學推廣教育學員對服務品質滿意度─以華夏技術學院為例,依據研究結果提出結論與建議。本論文的研究目的是: 一、瞭解華夏技術學院推廣教育中心的發展現況。 二、探討華夏技術學院推廣教育學員對服務品質滿意度之情形。 三、分析華夏技術學院推廣教育不同背景變項學員對服務品質滿意度差異情形。 四、根據研究結果,提出具體建議,供有關單位參考。 本研究獲得之結論如下: 一、對華夏推廣教育中心的服務品質,從整體表現上來看,學員的滿意度皆頗高。其中對「教師特質與教學」滿意度最高。而對「就業輔導」滿意度稍低。 二、不同性別的學員:女性對教師特質與教學滿意度高於男性。男性學員對就業輔導的滿意度高於女性。 三、不同年齡層的學員:對教師特質與教學的滿意度,年齡愈大滿意度愈高。對行政服務的滿意度,年齡愈大滿意度愈高。對就業輔導的滿意度,年齡愈小滿意度愈高。對學習環境實體設備的滿意度,年齡愈小滿意度愈高。 四、不同教育程度的學員,對教師特質與教學的滿意度,高中/職以下滿意度較高,次為大學以上,專科生滿意度偏低。對課程教材的滿意程度,高中/職以下學員滿意度高於專科生,大學以上學員滿意度偏低。 五、不同婚姻狀況的學員,對教師特質與教學的滿意程度。已婚學員滿意度高於未婚。 六、不同職業的學員:對教師特質與教學的滿意度,軍公教高於自由業、高於商、高於其他、高於工。對就業輔導的滿意度,自由業高於其他、高於工、高於商、高於軍公教。對學習環境實體設備的滿意度,自由業高於軍公教、高於商、高於其他、高於工。 七、不同資訊來源的學員,對就業輔導的滿意程度。網路優於報紙、優於宣傳單、優於夾報、優於親友告知、優於夾報。 根據研究結果,提出建議如下: 一、宜加強行政管理與服務,滿足學員學習需求。 二、改善學習環境實體設備,滿足學員學習所需。 三、就不同對象、不同階層的學員,研擬適切的課程教材。設計以生活工作結合的學習內容和方式,加強就業輔導,讓推廣教育得以永續經營,成為社區終身學習中心。 四、鼓勵加強教師在職進修,以提升教學效能。 五、整合校內各項資源,建構社區終身學習網絡,落實學校和居民互動關係。 六、招生宣導方面,宜充分開發利用不同工具和系統。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research of the students of the university popularizing education to the satisfaction of serving quality---take Hwa Shia Technological Institute as an example Abstract The research is through the quality of serving and relevant theory of student's satisfaction and the analyzing of the document materials as the theoretical foundation. There are several items in the main purposes of the research as follows: First, understand the present situation of the development educational center of Hwa Shia Technological Institute. Second, probe into the situation of the satisfaction of serving quality of the students in the development educational center of Hwa Shia Technological Institute. Third, analyze the situation of the differences with the students of the variable of the different background to the satisfaction of serving quality in Hwa Shia Technological Institute. Fourth, according to the result of the research, propose the concrete suggestions for the references of the units concerned. The conclusions obtained in this research are as follows: I. The students who are in the administration service, who are in the equipment of learning environmental entity, who are in teaching material of the courses , who have the teacher's speciality and teaching , who are in employment coach get the score . Among the 5 ,the score with the average of the ‘teacher’s speciality and teaching ' is the highest. While the score on the average of in ' employment coach ' is the lowest; showing that its satisfaction is pretty low. II. The students of different sexes, have apparent differences to ' teacher's speciality and satisfaction of teaching ' and ' the satisfaction coached in employment '. III. There are apparent differences among the students of different age levels, to ' teacher's speciality and satisfaction of teaching ', ' satisfaction where administration serve ', ' coach employment satisfaction ' and ' the equipment of learning environmental entity '. IV. The students of different education degrees have apparent differences to ' teacher's speciality and satisfaction of teaching ' and ' the satisfaction of the teaching material of the courses '. V. There are apparent differences to ' teacher's speciality and satisfaction of teaching 'of the students of different marital statuses,. Married student's satisfaction is higher than the unmarried. But to ‘the satisfaction which the administration serves’ and ‘the satisfaction of the teaching material of the courses’ does not have apparent differences for ' the satisfaction coached in employment ' and ' the equipment of learning environmental entity '. VI. There are apparent differences of the students of different jobs to the ' satisfaction of teacher speciality and teaching ', the ' satisfaction there isn’t employment ' and ' the equipment of learning environmentalentity '. VII. There are apparent differences of the experimenters of Quiz with the different information sources to ' the satisfaction coached in employment '. The network is superior to the newspaper, superior to propagating singly , superior to inserting the newspaper , superior to relatives and friends to tell. According to the result of the research, divide into two respects and propose the suggestions as follows: First, should strengthen administration and service and meet student's demands of learning . Second, improve the equipment of learning environmental entity and meet student's need of learning . Third, draft the appropriate teaching material of the courses according to the different strata and different levels of the students. Design the learning contents and ways combined with life and work, strengthen to coach in employment, manage to let educate popularize continuously and become the lifelong learning center of the community. Fourth, encourage strengthening teachers’ in-service training , in order to improve their teaching efficiency. Fifth, integrate every resource in the school, construct the network of the lifelong learning in the community, and implement the inter-dynamic relation of the school and residents. Sixth, as for the respect of enrollment declaring , it should fully develop and utilize different tools and system .en_US
dc.subjectThe university popularizing educationen_US
dc.subjectthe quality of serviceen_US

