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Department od Education, NTNU
Department od Education, NTNU
本研究所欲探討的焦點一方面企圖呈現出經濟、政治、文化之「全球化∕反全球化」現象,並討論不同學者因應全球化之倫理議題的解決方案;另外一方面則是藉由Karl-Otto Apel論辯倫理學觀點,就其回應全球正義與共同責任問題之理論藍圖進行道德論證的方法論分析。基於上述的問題背景與探究焦點,本研究期待能達成如下的目的:(1)探討全球化現象與其後續造成的道德議題;(2)分析不同實踐哲學立場的轉折,藉以說明先驗語用學之普遍倫理奠基的必要性及其方法論內涵;(3)面對全球化所衍生的道德議題,深究Apel先驗奠基所能提供的實踐價值及其理論的內在限制等。
This article explores the moral issues in the context of globalization from the perspective of Karl-Otto Apel's discourse ethics. After discussing moral issues in the era of globalization, the author examines traditional practical philosophies such as virtue ethics, deontological ethics, and utilitarianism. He emphasizes the theoretical necessity of transcendental pragmatics. Despite the fact that Apel's perspective received critical inquiry, he still defended the validity of transcendental pragmatics. The author concludes that transcendental pragmatics should not be the only solution for moral issues in the era of globalization.
This article explores the moral issues in the context of globalization from the perspective of Karl-Otto Apel's discourse ethics. After discussing moral issues in the era of globalization, the author examines traditional practical philosophies such as virtue ethics, deontological ethics, and utilitarianism. He emphasizes the theoretical necessity of transcendental pragmatics. Despite the fact that Apel's perspective received critical inquiry, he still defended the validity of transcendental pragmatics. The author concludes that transcendental pragmatics should not be the only solution for moral issues in the era of globalization.