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五、從實驗組學生「課程回饋問卷」中的反應發現:1.學生普遍喜愛幽默訓練課程並覺得非常有價值。2. 學生普遍對能夠讓班級充滿笑聲與歡樂氣氛、能夠創作出幽默成品、能夠感受到自我成長或自我突破以及價值性高的課程有較高的認同與較深的印象。3. 部分學生認為對幽默課程存有負向感受的原因包括:幽默作業負擔過重、部分課程的學習不知該如何進行、各組在競爭活動時機會不均等以及擔憂自己表現不好或不敢嘗試。
六、從實驗組學生在「學生訪談問卷」中的反應發現:1.學生普遍非常喜愛幽默訓練課程。2.學生較能夠分辨正負向幽默的差異並對幽默概念有更深一層瞭解。3. 幽默訓練課程對學生的幽默因應以及社交幽默的表現有所幫助。4. 幽默訓練課程對班級有正向以及負向兩方面的影響。5. 學生所觀察到的幽默事蹟包括肢體表情類的幽默以及因應的幽默。
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study were (1) to design a humor training curriculum for senior students in elementary school; (2) to investigate the effect of the curriculum on students’ sense of humor, social skills, and self-esteem. The curriculum in this study which combined goals from four aspects can be realized through curriculum-based teaching, context-based teaching, and interactive way of teaching. The part of curriculum-based teaching was consist of 15 units, the aims of which was to cultivate students’ understanding of humor, creativity on humor, ability to use humor in social context, humor coping, the attitude toward humor, and the tendency to laugh. The design of nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group, as quasi-experiment design, was applied to the study. There were totally 71 senior students in elementary school participated in, including 36 and 35 students in the experiment and comparison groups respectively. The instruments utilized to examine the effect of the curriculum were “multidimensional sense of humor scale”, “new creativity test”, “children’s social skill scale”, and “children’s self-esteem questionnaire”. The collected data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The researcher also conducted the analysis of the instructional process by collecting “feedback questionnaire”, “interview data from students”, and “teacher’s reflective journal”. The findings were presented as the following. 1. The humor training curriculum effectively elevated senior students’ creativity on humor and ability of using humor in social context. 2. The humor training curriculum cannot efficiently improve students’ understanding of humor, humor coping, the attitude toward humor, the tendency to laugh, social skill, or self-esteem. 3. The feedback questionnaire showed that (1) Generally speaking, students enjoyed the humor training curriculum and considered it valuable. (2) Students were impressed by and willing to identify them with the curriculum that created a joyous atmosphere in class, that allowed them to create humor products, and that helped them realize their development. (3) The reasons for some students to show negative feeling toward the humor training curriculum included that the projects assigned were overloading and that it was unfair during classroom competitions. There were also some students who didn’t know how to follow up the learning process or were afraid of performing badly in front of the class. 4. The interview data from students showed that (1) Generally speaking, students liked the humor training curriculum very much. (2) Students did better on distinguishing the differences between positive and negative humor and knew more knowledge about humor. (3) The humor training curriculum did improve students’ performance on humor coping and social humor. (4) The humor training curriculum posed both positive and negative effects in the classroom. (5) The humor evidence that students observed in class included both physical humor and coping humor. Based on the result of this study, the researcher also provided several suggestions for further development of humor schooling and research.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study were (1) to design a humor training curriculum for senior students in elementary school; (2) to investigate the effect of the curriculum on students’ sense of humor, social skills, and self-esteem. The curriculum in this study which combined goals from four aspects can be realized through curriculum-based teaching, context-based teaching, and interactive way of teaching. The part of curriculum-based teaching was consist of 15 units, the aims of which was to cultivate students’ understanding of humor, creativity on humor, ability to use humor in social context, humor coping, the attitude toward humor, and the tendency to laugh. The design of nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group, as quasi-experiment design, was applied to the study. There were totally 71 senior students in elementary school participated in, including 36 and 35 students in the experiment and comparison groups respectively. The instruments utilized to examine the effect of the curriculum were “multidimensional sense of humor scale”, “new creativity test”, “children’s social skill scale”, and “children’s self-esteem questionnaire”. The collected data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The researcher also conducted the analysis of the instructional process by collecting “feedback questionnaire”, “interview data from students”, and “teacher’s reflective journal”. The findings were presented as the following. 1. The humor training curriculum effectively elevated senior students’ creativity on humor and ability of using humor in social context. 2. The humor training curriculum cannot efficiently improve students’ understanding of humor, humor coping, the attitude toward humor, the tendency to laugh, social skill, or self-esteem. 3. The feedback questionnaire showed that (1) Generally speaking, students enjoyed the humor training curriculum and considered it valuable. (2) Students were impressed by and willing to identify them with the curriculum that created a joyous atmosphere in class, that allowed them to create humor products, and that helped them realize their development. (3) The reasons for some students to show negative feeling toward the humor training curriculum included that the projects assigned were overloading and that it was unfair during classroom competitions. There were also some students who didn’t know how to follow up the learning process or were afraid of performing badly in front of the class. 4. The interview data from students showed that (1) Generally speaking, students liked the humor training curriculum very much. (2) Students did better on distinguishing the differences between positive and negative humor and knew more knowledge about humor. (3) The humor training curriculum did improve students’ performance on humor coping and social humor. (4) The humor training curriculum posed both positive and negative effects in the classroom. (5) The humor evidence that students observed in class included both physical humor and coping humor. Based on the result of this study, the researcher also provided several suggestions for further development of humor schooling and research.
幽默訓練課程, 幽默感, 社交技巧, 自尊, humor training curriculum, sense of humor, social skills, self-esteem