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為驗證前揭假設,研究者採便利取樣與滾雪球法取樣蒐集1260份有效樣本,測量受試在「老子生活態度量表」、「流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表」與「法鼓山文教基金會平安量表」上之得分,並以SPSS 12.0進行描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子多變項變異數分析、積差相關與典型相關等統計分析。結果發現:一、不同性別與教育程度在「老子生活態度量表」五層面上的分數上沒有差異存在。二、不同年齡在「老子生活態度量表」五層面上的分數有差異存在,其中大致以45-54歲組最高,而以24歲以下組最低。三、不同婚姻狀態在「老子生活態度」五層面上的分數有差異存在,除在「辯證的智慧」層面外,結婚有子女組顯著高於未婚組。四、不同宗教信仰在「老子生活態度」五層面上分數有差異存在;其中信仰佛教與道教者在「自我的超越」、「生命的理想」與「生活的紀律」三層面顯著高於無宗教信仰者;但在「整體的和諧」與「辯證的智慧」兩層面上,僅信仰道教者顯著高於無宗教信仰者。五、不同個人年收入在「老子生活態度」五層面之分數有差異存在;在「自我的超越」上的得分,個人年收入80-120萬組顯著高於40-80萬組,40-80萬組又高於40萬以下組;在「生命的理想」與「生活的紀律」上的得分,個人年收入80-120萬組以及40-80萬組兩組,均顯著高於40萬以下組;在「整體的和諧」與「辯證的智慧」上的得分,個人年收入80-120萬組,均顯著高於40-80萬組以及40萬以下組兩組。六、在「老子生活態度」五層面之分數,低憂鬱組均顯著高於高憂鬱組,而高平安組則顯著高於低平安組。
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to construct an attitude scale based on Lao-tzu philosophy and investigate the what and how of Lao-tzu philosophy affecting the psychological process of Taiwan adults. The researcher proposes that the more living attitude of Lao-tzu one cultivates, the less likely he or she suffers from depression, and the more he or she feels Ping-An and at-homely. According to relevant psychological and philosophical literature review, a framework has been established, including 6 categories and 14 dimensions. 73-item pre-test inventory designed by the investigator were item-analyzed and factor-analyzed by a sample of 367 adults in Taiwan, using convenience sampling and snow-balling method, and the result was the formal “Scale of Lao-tzu Living Attitude ”(SLLA)with 34 items. Then, reliability and validity of SLLA were as the following: 1. The Cronbach’s internal reliability of consistency αequals to .95, with 5 subscales’ α ranging from .79 to .90, showing good reliability. 2. Using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), 34-item LALS could be extracted into 5 logical and meaningful factors as the following:(1)transcendence of self,(2)ideal of life,(3)harmony of the whole,(4)wisdom of dialectic,(5)discipline of living, which could explain approximately a total variance of 56.94%, showing good construct validity. 3. the score of SLLA were negatively correlated with that of depression(r=-.47,p<.01), and positively correlated with the score of Ping-An(r=.73,p<.01), indicating good criteria-correlation validity. To verify the afore-mentioned proposition, a sample 1260 adults in Taiwan were collected with convenience and snow-balling sampling method. Three research instruments including SLLA, CES-D, and “Dharma Drum Cultural and Educational Foundation Ping An Scale”(abbreviated as PAS)were administered and the scores were statistically analyzed by t-test, one-way MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and canonical correlation. The results were as the following: 1.There was no statistically significant difference on the scores of SLLA among different gender and education levels. 2. There was statistically significant difference on the scores of SLLA among different age groups. Generally speaking, the age group of 45-54 year-olds was the highest, and the age group under 24 year-old the lowest. 3. There was statically significant difference on the scores of SLLA among those married ones with children and those who were not married, except for “wisdom of dialectic”. 4. There was statistically significant difference on the scores of “ transcendence of self”, “ ideal of life”, and “ discipline of living” among Buddhists or Taoists and those who claimed that they had no specific religion; furthermore, statistically significant difference had been found among Taoists and those who had no religion on the scores of “ harmony of the whole” and “ wisdom of dialectic”. 5. There was statistically significant difference on the scores of SLLA among different yearly income groups. On the scores of “transcendence of self”, those 80,000-120,000 NT yearly-incomers were statistically higher then those 40,000-80,000 NT yearly-incomers, and those 40,000-80,000 NT yearly-incomers higher then those below 40,000 NT yearly-incomers; on the scores of “ideal of life” and “discipline of living”, those 40,000-80,000 NT yearly-incomers and 80,000-120,000 NT yearly-incomers were statistically higher then those below 40,000 NT yearly-incomers; Furthermore, on the scores of “harmony of the whole” and “wisdom of the dialectics”, those 80,000-120,000 NT yearly-incomers were higher then those below 80,000 NT yearly-incomers. 6. There was statistically significant difference on the score SLLA between high CES-D scorers and low ones, and between high PAS scorers and low ones. Lastly, the investigator specifies limitations of this research and proposes recommendations about future research and its possible applications on psychological measurement, counseling, and education.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to construct an attitude scale based on Lao-tzu philosophy and investigate the what and how of Lao-tzu philosophy affecting the psychological process of Taiwan adults. The researcher proposes that the more living attitude of Lao-tzu one cultivates, the less likely he or she suffers from depression, and the more he or she feels Ping-An and at-homely. According to relevant psychological and philosophical literature review, a framework has been established, including 6 categories and 14 dimensions. 73-item pre-test inventory designed by the investigator were item-analyzed and factor-analyzed by a sample of 367 adults in Taiwan, using convenience sampling and snow-balling method, and the result was the formal “Scale of Lao-tzu Living Attitude ”(SLLA)with 34 items. Then, reliability and validity of SLLA were as the following: 1. The Cronbach’s internal reliability of consistency αequals to .95, with 5 subscales’ α ranging from .79 to .90, showing good reliability. 2. Using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), 34-item LALS could be extracted into 5 logical and meaningful factors as the following:(1)transcendence of self,(2)ideal of life,(3)harmony of the whole,(4)wisdom of dialectic,(5)discipline of living, which could explain approximately a total variance of 56.94%, showing good construct validity. 3. the score of SLLA were negatively correlated with that of depression(r=-.47,p<.01), and positively correlated with the score of Ping-An(r=.73,p<.01), indicating good criteria-correlation validity. To verify the afore-mentioned proposition, a sample 1260 adults in Taiwan were collected with convenience and snow-balling sampling method. Three research instruments including SLLA, CES-D, and “Dharma Drum Cultural and Educational Foundation Ping An Scale”(abbreviated as PAS)were administered and the scores were statistically analyzed by t-test, one-way MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and canonical correlation. The results were as the following: 1.There was no statistically significant difference on the scores of SLLA among different gender and education levels. 2. There was statistically significant difference on the scores of SLLA among different age groups. Generally speaking, the age group of 45-54 year-olds was the highest, and the age group under 24 year-old the lowest. 3. There was statically significant difference on the scores of SLLA among those married ones with children and those who were not married, except for “wisdom of dialectic”. 4. There was statistically significant difference on the scores of “ transcendence of self”, “ ideal of life”, and “ discipline of living” among Buddhists or Taoists and those who claimed that they had no specific religion; furthermore, statistically significant difference had been found among Taoists and those who had no religion on the scores of “ harmony of the whole” and “ wisdom of dialectic”. 5. There was statistically significant difference on the scores of SLLA among different yearly income groups. On the scores of “transcendence of self”, those 80,000-120,000 NT yearly-incomers were statistically higher then those 40,000-80,000 NT yearly-incomers, and those 40,000-80,000 NT yearly-incomers higher then those below 40,000 NT yearly-incomers; on the scores of “ideal of life” and “discipline of living”, those 40,000-80,000 NT yearly-incomers and 80,000-120,000 NT yearly-incomers were statistically higher then those below 40,000 NT yearly-incomers; Furthermore, on the scores of “harmony of the whole” and “wisdom of the dialectics”, those 80,000-120,000 NT yearly-incomers were higher then those below 80,000 NT yearly-incomers. 6. There was statistically significant difference on the score SLLA between high CES-D scorers and low ones, and between high PAS scorers and low ones. Lastly, the investigator specifies limitations of this research and proposes recommendations about future research and its possible applications on psychological measurement, counseling, and education.
道家思想, 老子生活態度量表, 憂鬱, 平安, 自我實現, Taoism, SLLA, Depression(CES-D), Ping-An(PAS), Self-actualization