十九世紀末,歐洲文化正從過渡成熟的頂峰慢慢趨向頹廢、沉淪,當時的奧地利政體由哈布斯王朝(Habsburg dynasty)轉變成奧匈帝國,思想上出現許多新思潮,當代人民對生命的意義感到疑惑,世紀末的恐慌也成為當時人們共同的心理現象。如此的大環境影響了馬勒的人生,進而影響他的音樂。
本文藉由探究十九世紀末的維也納(Fin-de-siècle Vienna)之大環境對馬勒音樂的影響,從其音樂中對死亡思考的角度,發掘馬勒的音樂如何反映世代。本文共有五個章節,第一章為緒論。第二章探討十九世紀末的維也納與馬勒之間的關係,(一)從奧地利政體的改變,探究馬勒所處的政經背景。(二)透過與畫家克林姆的比較,了解音樂與美術所共同具有的時代性。(三)探討反猶主義對馬勒人生與音樂的影響。第三章探究馬勒的二元性,從人格、音樂身分與音樂屬性的角度分析。第四章則是探討馬勒音樂中的死亡思維,(一)探究交響曲中葬禮進行曲樂章的意義。(二)針對歌曲集中的死亡思維,與其人生經驗的關聯。(三)以《大地之歌》的〈告別〉樂章與第九號交響曲的終樂章探討馬勒晚年面臨死亡的心境。第五章為結語,總結大環境對其音樂影響之因果,並統整具有死亡思維音樂中之特質。
In the end of nineteenth century, European culture went downhill from its peak to degeneration and indulgence. The political transition from Habsburg Dynasty to Austro-Hungarian Empire resulted in the generation of new thoughts. People at that time had doubt in the meaning of life and had common fear of Fin-de-siècle (the end of century). The overall background influenced Mahler’s life as well as his music. This thesis discusses the effect of Fin-de-siècle Vienna upon Mahler’s music and discovers how his music reflected his time. Five chapters are covered: Chapter One is the introduction. The theme of Chapter Two is the relation between Mahler and Fin-de-siècle Vienna, and it splits into three sections: 1. explore the political and economic background in Mahler’s time under the political transition of Austria; 2. understand the common background shared by music and fine arts through the artworks of artist Klimt; 3. discuss the impact of anti-Semitism on Mahler’s life and music. Chapter three probes into the duality of Mahler from the aspect of his personality, the status as a musician and the type of his music. Chapter Four, which focuses on the prospect of death in Mahler’s music, covers: 1. uncover the meanings of funeral marches in his symphonies; 2. analysis the songs relation between death and his life experience; 3. discusses Mahler’s state of mind when facing death in the sunset of his day with “Der Abschied” of “Das Lied von der Erde” and the last movement of Symphony No. 9. Chapter Five concludes the influence of the overall background on Mahler’s compositions and consolidates features of his music carrying the thoughts of death.
In the end of nineteenth century, European culture went downhill from its peak to degeneration and indulgence. The political transition from Habsburg Dynasty to Austro-Hungarian Empire resulted in the generation of new thoughts. People at that time had doubt in the meaning of life and had common fear of Fin-de-siècle (the end of century). The overall background influenced Mahler’s life as well as his music. This thesis discusses the effect of Fin-de-siècle Vienna upon Mahler’s music and discovers how his music reflected his time. Five chapters are covered: Chapter One is the introduction. The theme of Chapter Two is the relation between Mahler and Fin-de-siècle Vienna, and it splits into three sections: 1. explore the political and economic background in Mahler’s time under the political transition of Austria; 2. understand the common background shared by music and fine arts through the artworks of artist Klimt; 3. discuss the impact of anti-Semitism on Mahler’s life and music. Chapter three probes into the duality of Mahler from the aspect of his personality, the status as a musician and the type of his music. Chapter Four, which focuses on the prospect of death in Mahler’s music, covers: 1. uncover the meanings of funeral marches in his symphonies; 2. analysis the songs relation between death and his life experience; 3. discusses Mahler’s state of mind when facing death in the sunset of his day with “Der Abschied” of “Das Lied von der Erde” and the last movement of Symphony No. 9. Chapter Five concludes the influence of the overall background on Mahler’s compositions and consolidates features of his music carrying the thoughts of death.
世紀末的維也納, 死亡, 馬勒