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音樂電影一直是市場上很受歡迎的電影類型,其中的歌曲也常常會在戲外廣為流傳,不過有關歌曲及歌詞的翻譯研究卻一直很欠缺。音樂電影的歌詞作為一種音樂文本,其文字與音樂緊密結合,並展現出音樂的各種特質,然而在音樂以及字幕翻譯的重重限制下,如何能夠傳達歌詞意涵,又同時展現音樂性,使譯詞能巧妙地融入音樂及劇情之中,這對譯者而言是極大的挑戰。本文針對《吉屋出租》(Rent)、《悲慘世界》(Les Misérables)、《芝加哥》(Chicago)三部音樂劇改編之電影進行分析,分別探討音韻、節奏、呼應三個歌詞音樂性的面向,透過比對原文、譯文以及音樂結構檢視翻譯的效果,並以Johan Franzon所提出的可唱性三層次檢視譯文是否能與音樂結合,了解翻譯歌詞時可以採用哪些方法,以提升譯詞與音樂結合的程度,並進一步展現出音樂性,期使字幕譯詞能發揮最佳效果讓觀眾更加投入享受歌曲。
Musical film has been a popular film genre and many songs from musical films have become part of our daily lives. Yet, song translation or lyrics translation has received little discussion. Lyrics in musical films, as musical text, are closely combined with music and show certain musical properties. Thus it is a difficult task for translators to render target lyrics that can properly convey the sense of the original and show musical properties at the same time. The thesis analyzes the lyrics part of the translations of three musical films, Rent, Les Misérables, and Chicago. The analysis focuses on three musical properties displayed by most lyrics, that is, phonological/ sound effects, rhythm, and correspondence of lyrics. By comparing source lyrics, target lyrics and music structure, the thesis examines whether the target lyrics can display those properties and whether they can match the music in three aspects, the three layers of singability proposed by Johan Franzon. Through the analysis, the thesis attempts to find out what strategies could be adopted in order to retain or recreate musical properties in target lyrics and make target lyrics function best for the audience.



歌詞翻譯, 音樂電影, 音樂性, 可唱性, lyrics translation, musical film, musical properties, singability





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