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\ 近年愈來愈多澳門高中畢業生到臺灣升學,根據教育部公佈的資料顯示,從40學年開始,港澳僑生到臺灣升學人數不斷上揚,雖然其中86學年至95學年,香港僑生到臺灣的就學人數逐年下滑,可是,澳門僑生到臺灣就學的人數不減反增,且上升約2.5倍,說明到臺灣升學對澳門僑生來說,具一定的吸引力。有鑑及此,本研究運用文獻及訪問,探討民國40至99年(1951年-2010年)間,臺灣政府及教育部對澳門僑生到臺灣升學的政策與規定的演變及落實情況,以及澳門高中畢業生到臺灣升學的學習經驗與生活適應等問題。為澳門僑生到臺灣升學的歷史留下足跡,以期為將來有關研究作參考之用。 根據研究發現,本研究提出五點結論: 壹、 因政府積極招收僑生政策,近60年來澳門高中畢業生到臺灣升大學的人數有增加趨勢 貳、 澳門學生到臺灣升大學的主要是由於家庭經濟不佳 參、 長期以來入學考試及相關手續的不便,1994年以後始有改善 肆、 澳門學生在學期間政府及學校都會提供學業及生活輔導與協助,對其有所幫助,但也遭遇到一些不平的待遇 伍、 受訪僑生對臺灣僑教政策及當年到臺讀書的決定均持肯定態度 最後對於招生澳門學生來台升學上,建議教育主管機關,招生時,嚴格把關,以期質量相稱。對大學院校則建議,在學期間,加強僑生學業要求與輔導。另對未來相關研究在研究主題、研究文獻及研究方法上提出建議。
In recent years, the number of Macau high school graduates studying universities in Taiwan increased. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, from1951 academic year onwards, the number of Hong Kong and Macau students going to Taiwan for study raised continuously. Although the number of Hong Kong students studying Taiwan declined from 1997 academic year to 2006 academic year, however that of Macau students increased about 2.5 times than ever. It meant that Taiwan’s higher education was attractive to Macau students. The aims of this study are to analyze the evolution and the implementation of policies and regulations of the Taiwan government for oversea Chinese and Macau students studying her colleges from the 1951 to 2010, and to explores the learning experience and living adaptation of Macau high school graduates in Taiwan. Finally, it was to keep the records of Macau students studying in Taiwan and for future. Historical methods and oral record were used by this study. Taiwan’s and Macau’s statistics were collected; some Macau students whose studied in Taiwan in different periods were interviewed. In sum, main conclusions are made as follows: i. There was a trend of the increasing amount of Macau high school graduates choose to advance to Taiwan colleges in these 60 years, because Government actives on the policy of recruiting overseas students. ii. For Macau students, economic problem in one’s family was the major factor affecting the motive of advance to Taiwan colleges. iii. The entrance exam and related procedures of advance to Taiwan colleges were very complicated for a long time; however, it has been improved since 1994. iv. During the days that Macau students studying in Taiwan’s colleges, the government and colleges have provided some study and living guidance and help, which were very helpful for them, but they also be treated unfairly. v. The Macau graduates interviewed indicated that when studying in Taiwan, as well as thought that the governmental policies recruiting oversea Chinese studying at Taiwan’s colleges were certainly positive. At last, there are two suggestions for t the education authorities and universities that admissions of Macao students having further studies in Taiwan and future researching directions: i. To control the admission procedure strictly and equally for better quality. ii. To strengthen the study guidance and requirements of academic performance for oversea Chinese students. Besides, there are some suggestions for the related research in subjects, documents and methods in the future.



大學僑生, 港澳僑生, 澳門, 僑民教育, university students, Hong kong and Macau students, Macau, Academic policies for foreign students





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