結合 PEER 對話式閱讀策略之擴增實境繪本對親子共讀效果之研究

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親子共享閱讀對於提升孩童的閱讀能力是相當重要的,而對話式閱讀是一個能有效提升親子共讀質量的方式,其中以PEER策略 (prompt, evaluate, expand and repeat sequece) 最為學者採用,據過去研究證實PEER對話式閱讀策略於親子共讀之有效性,本研究欲以擴增實境實踐對話式閱讀策略,基於PEER策略及CROWD提問技巧設計擴增實境繪本,並以此作為輔助,讓家長在親子共讀時能藉由親子共讀系統上的提示引導孩子進行閱讀。本研究研究對象為苗栗市某幼兒園 20對親子組(大班孩童與家長),孩童平均年齡為五歲,將這 20 對親子組隨機分派為 2 組,分別為引導式擴增實境繪本閱讀組(實驗組)及紙本繪本閱讀組(控制組)。實驗組家長使用結合PEER對話式閱讀策略之引導式擴增實境繪本與孩童進行共讀;控制組家長則是使用紙本繪本與孩童進行共讀,兩組所閱讀之繪本皆為五南圖書出版之繪本-「哇!好棒的螢光旅舍」。根據研究結果顯示,引導式擴增實境繪本閱讀組孩童的學習成效顯著優於紙本繪本閱讀組,且引導式擴增實境繪本閱讀組孩童的延宕測驗結果也顯著優於控制組,這表示實驗組孩童有較良好的學習保留程度。本研究對於親子共讀過程的行為模式也有所影響,可提升親子共讀時的對話數量與質量。家長與孩童對於系統之感受大多為正面,且偏好使用引導擴增實境繪本,因為能增加親子間的對話,並且能夠提升孩童的注意力及興趣。
Shared reading between parents and children is a crucial way to improve children's reading skills. Dialogue reading is an effective way to enhance the quality of shared reading. The most commonly used strategy is PEER strategy (prompt, evaluate, expand and repeat). Previous studies had confirmed the effectiveness of PEER dialogue reading strategy in shared reading between parents and children. This study aims to design an augmented reality picture book based on the PEER strategy and CROWD questioning techniques for parents to guide their children during shared reading. Thestudy invited 20 pairs of parents and children from a kindergarten in Miaoli City, with an average age of five years old. These 20 pairs of parents and children are randomly divided into two groups: the augmented reality picture book reading group (experiment group) and the paper-based picture book reading group (control group). Parents in the experimental group use an augmented reality picture book combined with the PEER dialogic reading strategy to read with their children, while parents in the control group use a paper-based picture book to read with their children. Both groups read the same picture book,"Wow! Great Fluorescent Hotel," published by Wunan. The results of the study showed that the learning outcomes of the children in the experiment group were significantly better than those in the control group. Also, the delayed recall test results of the children in the experiment group were also significantly better than those in the control group, indicating that the children in the experimental group had better learning retention. This study suggests that the use of augmented reality picturebooks combined with the PEER dialogic reading strategy can effectively improve the quality of shared reading between parents and children.



親子共讀, 擴增實境繪本, PEER 對話式閱讀策略, parent-child shared reading, AR picture Book, PEER Dialogue Reading Strategy





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