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雷夫.沃恩威廉斯(Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958) 為英國20世紀的重要作曲家,他的藝術歌曲結合英國民歌風格與19世紀歐陸的作曲手法,再加上辛勤耕耘於教育界,爲後世的英國音樂風格帶來深遠的影響。 沃恩威廉斯選用但丁.加百列.羅賽蒂(Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1828-1882) 《生命之屋》(The House of Life, 1881) 中的六首十四行詩,完成與詩集同名的聯篇歌曲《生命之屋》(The House of Life, 1904) ,成為他早期聲樂作品的代表作之一。沃恩威廉斯在這組六首聯篇歌曲中,以豐富多變的和聲色彩,呈現畫家兼詩人羅賽蒂詩中的畫面感,並以音樂動機貫串全套聯篇歌曲,細膩刻畫詩詞間的主題意象。詩人和作曲家在此曲集中都各自表達,真愛長存,不因死亡而劃下句點。 本文主要分為六章:緒論、羅賽蒂的生平介紹、英國藝術歌曲發展、沃恩威廉斯的生平介紹、六首聯篇歌曲的樂曲分析與演奏詮釋與結語。筆者希望透過研究的過程,探究沃恩威廉斯對於羅賽蒂詩文的理解和作曲手法。在詮釋此聯篇歌曲時,歌者除了需要能將音樂中的情緒和場景轉換自如之外,還須細膩刻畫詩文中多變的視覺色彩,以完整呈現音樂與詩詞所描繪的生命歷程。
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) is one of the leading British composers in the twentieth century. His vocal works present the mixture of styles of the English folk songs and the European composition of 19th century. His works and his dedication to music education influence the British music generations to come. Vaughan Williams selected six sonnets from Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s (1828-1882) The House of Life (1881) for his song cycle of the same name (1904). He used musical theme to link these songs and picturesque harmony to present Rosetti’s vivid description. The House of Life presents aspects of life. Though taking different paths, the poet and the composer both express the same message: true love lasts forever, and it goes beyond the end of a life time. With Vaughan Williams’ artistic and poetic setting, this song cycle is one of the representatives of his early works. This study has six chapters: the introduction, Rossetti’s biography, the overview of the British art songs, Vaughan Williams’ biography, the analysis and the performance suggestion of The House of Life, and the conclusion. Performers need to present various emotions with the changing scene, and they also need to portray delicate atmosphere changes in music along with visual colors in Rosetti’s poetry. This study is done in the hope of that through literary and musical analysis, performers will have a fuller comprehension of Rosetti and Vaughan Williams’ artistic collaboration.



英國藝術歌曲, 雷夫.沃恩威廉斯, 但丁.加百列.羅賽蒂, 生命之屋, British Art Songs, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The House of Life





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