李斯特《威廉泰爾》S.292/1 及 S.292/2 版本比較分析

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法蘭茲・李斯特(Franz Liszt, 1811-1886)是十九世紀浪漫時期代表作曲家之 一,作品涵蓋各類樂種,包括鋼琴、器樂曲、交響曲、室內樂、神劇及歌劇。李 斯特的藝術歌曲創作僅八十二首,雖然在作品的數量尚不及同時期的音樂家,例 如:舒曼(Robert Schumann, 1810-1856)、布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)、 沃爾夫(Hugo Wolf, 1860-1903)、史特勞斯(Richard Strauss, 1864-1949)等,而 在藝術歌曲史文獻探討中也較少被提及,但李斯特在藝術歌曲的創作中,大膽地 在和聲色彩及調性上的運用,獨特的美學思想,展現音樂中的戲劇性,不僅僅只 是傳承古典時期的脈絡,更給予創新的技術展現了他的獨特的音樂風格,並且再 一次地藉由音樂創作深化了文學藝術的情境。 李斯特的《威廉泰爾》這組歌曲的歌詞是選自德國文學家弗里德里希・席勒 (Friedrich Schiller, 1759-1805)的同名戲劇作品,李斯特以劇本第一幕開場的場景 譜寫三首歌曲:〈漁童〉( Der Fischerknabe )、〈牧羊人〉( Der Hirt )及〈高山獵人〉 ( Der Alpenjäger )。雖然這三首歌曲的主旨不在描述《威廉泰爾》的故事情節,只 是《威廉泰爾》的開場背景,但經由筆者的分析,可看出李斯特利用華麗轉調手 法及豐富和聲創作,來完整描繪席勒擬定標題的情境想像。 本論文是以〈漁童〉、〈牧羊人〉及〈高山獵人〉三首為探討主軸,對李斯 特 1845 年及 1850-60 年所創作的兩個不同版本進行分析。在李斯特長達七十五年 的生涯中,他從年輕炫風的華麗舞台,到年老時平靜的神職工作,如此跌宕起伏的一生,皆透過譜曲來表達。本論文擬藉由文獻探討來瞭解其時代背景,並透過樂曲分析及整理其創作手法,試圖理解李斯特在譜曲時對於音樂與詩意關聯的安排,期望深化筆者的演唱詮釋,也給予日後有意研究李斯特藝術歌曲的歌者能更有所幫助。
Franz Liszt (1811-1886) was one of the most prolific composers during the Romantic era of the 19th century. He wrote a variety of music, including piano, instrumental works, symphonies, chamber music, oratorio and opera. Liszt composed 82 Lieder. This number does not compare to the amount of works of other famous composers of the time period, such as Robert Schumann (1810-1856), Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), and Richard Strauss (1864-949). His work is therefore also rarely mentioned in the history of Lieder music. However, Liszt integrated into his Lieder bold harmony and tonality. His esthetics also brings out the dramatic quality in music. His Lieder display a classical tradition on the one hand, and on the other, an embodiment of his unique style through the use of innovative techniques. His music no doubt deepens the artistry of literature. Liszt's Wilhelm Tell songs were inspired by the German literary work of the same name by Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805). Drawing from the work’s first act, he composed three songs, titled “Der Fischerknabe,” “Der Hirt” and “Der Alpenjäger.” Although the songs cannot convey the storyline of Wilhelm Tell, they show Liszt’s imaginativeness in expressing the artistic conception of poetry through his use of technique and rich harmony. The focus of this thesis is on the three Lieder: “Der Fischerknabe,” “Der Hirt” and “Der Alpenjäger.” The analysis includes two different versions of Wilhelm Tell, one created in 1845 and the other between 1850-1860. Throughout his seventy-five years of life, Liszt moved from magnificent performances on stage in his youth to humble clergy work in his later years. Liszt led a very colorful life, and he expressed this volume of life experience through his musical writing. This thesis intends to analyze components of the three songs in two versions. Through this analysis, an attempt of a peek is made at Liszt’s thought process during the composition of his music of Schiller’s poetry. It is also hoped that the interpretation will be of some assistance to those who wish to perform Liszt's art songs.



李斯特, 弗里德里希・席勒, 威廉泰爾, 德文藝術歌曲, Liszt, Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell, Lieder





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